Chapter 21: PEW PEW

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Tapitor was the land they reached, their bored and exhausting trip finally over.

They needed to be hidden, the 5 of them could be easily recognized. Elias no longer wore his princely attire, Leonardo and Damien not having on their armor, but secret weapons hidden. Parker no longer looked like a stable boy, who did dress much more formal tough, and Renee wore a regular 'peasant' outfit.

Their ship was blank, nothing on it hinting they were from Ledonya. There was an issue though, Renee only spoke French. As the boat got to the dock, Elias got off with Renee to pay for a spot on the dock. She was needed for most of the trip.

Before anyone could question the 5 and their shipmen, they all fled. The shipmen hid under the boat and in the rooms, while the 5 left for their business. Elias got French coins from his father who had them.

"So what's the plan?" Parker asked, leaning closer to Renee. She led the 4 out of the port, remembering where to go. Elias on her left, Parker on her right, then Leonardo and Damien behind her. "We have to get to Sorcière de verdure before anything could happen. We never know what might go on during the day." She explained. It was early morning, not too many were awake.

Renee passed different shops, homes coming up in the distance. Her heart broke, remembering how she used to play with her dear mother. Her pace was slowing down a bit, unintentionally doing so as she looked at everything.

She looked in the distance to where they were heading to, spotting something that made her suddenly turn to the left. She didn't want to go back.

"We need to get to the forest, if I remember right, there should be a quicker way.." Her voice trailed off as she looked around. "There!" She pointed, pointing in between to shops.

"You still remember this place well, Renee." Elias spoke. "I grew up here, how could I forget?"

She walked past the shops, the kingdom and their people beginning to wake up. People opened up their shops, voices in the distance as they sped off.

Mare stood in her room, holding Stellae magicae in her hands. Her anger grew, due to the fact she couldn't figure out how to complete her spell. Out of anger, she threw the book at one of her mirrors, groaning in the process. The mirror shattered, causing the maid behind her door to shake before she knocked.

"Quoi?!" She screamed loudly.

The young maid nervously opened the door and walked in, a tray of food in her hands. "Votre majesté, je-je vous ai apporté le petit-déjeuner avant votre couronnement ce matin."

("Your majesty, I-I've brought you breakfast before your coronation this morning.")

Mare sighed, crossing her arms and sitting down on the bed after picking her precious book back up. "Posez-le sur la table et partez." She said rudely.

("Set it down on the table and leave.")

The maid did what she was told, scurrying off after.

Today was the coronation of the soon to be Queen Mare of Tapitor. It was the biggest day of her life, and she wouldn't let anyone ruin it.

"How much longer?" Parker groaned, getting impatient though it had only been 15 minutes of walking. "Calm down, boy. We know you're used to riding horses but this should be nothing." Leonardo said, earning a laugh from Damien.

"Renee, are you sure you know where you're going? Elias asked, Renee looking at him. "I promise, I know it's here! My mother took me every month, I just- ugh.." She was frustrated, annoyed she couldn't get there yet.

"Collette." A women's voice spoke behind them. Leonardo and Damien swiftly took out their swords, turning and guarding the three from the women.

The women stood their, a brown cloak over her shoulders and a hood over her head. Her eyes were a beautiful brown color, wrinkles on her face and her hair white. Renee gently pushed passed the two guards, looking at the older women.

"Fayette." Renee called out, relief on her face as she smiled.

"Tu n'es pas Collette." The women spoke, before smiling a bit.

("You're not Collette.")

"Non, madame. Mais je suis sûr que vous savez qui je suis." Renee smiled more, before going over and hugging the women. The lady hugged her back, whispering something to her.

"Renee, who is this?" Parker asked suddenly, causing her to pull away and look at them.

"Fayette, Sorcière de verdure."

"Your English has gotten good, little one." Fayette spoke with a heavy French accent, looking at the other four. "She's the one to help us? To help you?" Elias asked, Damien and Leonardo putting away their swords.

"Of course, I wouldn't just hug some random lady in the forest." Renee laughed, before turning back to Fayette.

"We need your help, Fay. Could we talk about this in your hut?" She asked, hope in her eyes. "Why would I say no? We have catching up to do." Fayette replied with, leading them away.

The little old women led them to a hut not far from where they were, letting Parker, Renee and Elias inside as Leonardo and Damien kept watch outside.

Tea was boiling inside, a cauldron not far from it. A bookshelf held many old looking books, another shelf with ingredients on it. Parker looked at some of the things, Elias interested instead.

"Sit, show me your snowflake that I hope you have worked on." Fayette spoke, Renee sitting down. "Snowflake?" Elias asked, confused by what she meant.

Renee held her hand out slightly, opening up her palm as a large snowflake appeared, details among details on it. It was absolutely beautiful.

"To strengthen and control my powers when I was a little girl, I was assigned to design snowflakes. The details gave me the ability of patience, while the shapes let my creativity roam. I needed control." Renee said to the three, closing her hand as the snowflake disappeared.

"Tell me child, why are you here?" Fayette asked her, taking the tea pot and pouring them all a cup. "This." Renee said, taking a small dagger out and cutting her finger for the blood. Elias groaned, not liking when she did that. Renee showed her the metallic red blood.

"Ahh, I see. But why the need? Who is there in greed of it?"

"Your own Princess, Madam." Elias answered, Fayette looking up at him. "Renee, what is happening?"

"Well..uh.." She started, before Parker interrupted.

"Well you see, Little Ice over here and Prince blondey got just a little head over heels for each other, but when big meanie princess over there comes over she gets upset about blondey refusing to marrying her. So she throws a fit, ice goes 'PEW PEW' and it turns out the King of Tapitor is her father and wants her dead. Then miss meanie dress decides to use magic and she needs her blood."

Silence was in the room, Fayette raising her eyebrow at Renee.


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