As the co-owner of the bar, she had to watch over the place when (Y/N) wasn't there. The workers there respected her like the owner as well. Both of them decided to open a bar, and whne Jason was asked, he wasn't interested so he didn't join them. And he also needed to focus on 'helping' Black Mask which in reality, he was just playing him.

"Take your drink and let's go" (Y/N) handed him the drink in a relaxed way. He nodded and gulped the whole thing, leaving an empty glass.

In a swift move, he pinned her against the wall. She felt his body suddenly pressed against hers, wondering what was happening. She was incapable of getting a word out, like she was in a trance watching him lean closer and closer, his lips touching hers.

She hated the fact that he was a good kisser. He's never failed to pleasure her, but the taste of alcohol or even the smell, was always disrupting. (Y/N) spoke when they managed to break apart for air,

"Are you okay? We're in public you crazy idiot!" she whisper-yelled.

"I'm your idiot"

"Jay, we can do this at home, and besides... you know I hate the smell and worst the taste of alcohol"

"But you own a bar" he placed his forehead against hers. His cold hair strands touching her head. She knew he was drunk, and there was nothing she could do except bear with it.

"Did you forget that I work undercover as a dishwasher? That way, I don't smell it"

He cupped her face, "Right, sorry..."


Both of them turned to see Lina opening the door with a deadpanned expression.

"You guys do remember there's cameras here, right?"

• ° • • ° •

After spending time with Jason at home- to take a cold shower and sober up with food, he had to return to Black Mask. (Y/N) remembers the time Jason told her that Black Mask was infuriated because he couldn't find the person known as (Y/A/N). She lost contact with him after there was no need to continue working for him. Luckily for her, he stopped searching after he found Red Hood as his potential successor.

Now that Jason had to go, she decided to spend time with Tim. She promised him she'd see him back after he returned from the mountains.

With her car, she drove to the manor and when she arrived, no one opened the gates. Confused– as it has never happened before, she got out to speak to the com where Alfred was supposed to answer, "Alfred?"

... but he didn't reply.

She even tried calling his phone yet still receiving no response from him. From the pocket of her jeans, she took out the new improved 'The Hindrance' device.

Marco Thorne— a guy Val recruited a year ago— was able to design a new model of Val's invention, keeping the same look of a smoke bomb. This time, you're able to turn it on and turn it off with just one word: "Hindrance," using it's voice recognition feature.

She used it to block off the few traps Bruce created to protect the manor. She said the word to turn the device on, climp over the gates, and said it again to turn it off and take it back.

There were spare keys hidden under the dirt where the bushes were planted which she used to open the entrance doors.

"You can use this spare in case you ever need it. Just look for them here, though I don't think it'll ever be a problem for you to go inside" Alfred told her.

Unrequited Love [Jason Todd x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now