Chapter 9

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"Oh thank God! See guys?" The little girl— who I assumed was the one banging the door— received no response from the other kids who were locked in cages. Except one cage's lock already seemed to be unlocked, yet the kids still sat inside shivering and timidly.

The girl turned to me, slowly taking a step back, becoming wary, "Are you...  working with those people?

"Tch, no"

"It's up to you whether you believe me or not" I glanced at the time on my phone.

7:42 PM

I might be wasting time. At this rate, they'll come back any minute now.

I'm not here to save these kids but...

"What's your name?" I questioned, only for her to stay quiet as she grabbed on to the iron bars of the nearest cage.

Yeah I can understand her perspective. I don't mind if she doesn't reply, I'm not here to make conversations anyways.

"If you want to live, either you trust me or you don't" I started walking to the back of the room. To my right, that medium square outline on the brick wall was still there. When I'd be locked down here to train, I would use that secret exit to leave the building. It was something I made with one of the tools I found resting on the floor of their bedroom one day. I guess if it's still here, then they never found out about it. Idiots.

I used my fingers to open the piece of wall. As a child, it wasn't difficult for me to pull, probably because of the muscles I gained while training.

"Egh... argh..." I grunted as I kept pulling from all sides of the huge square piece. Finally, I let it fall to the floor with all eyes on me. I almost subconsciously wiped my face until I realized I had a mask on.

Just like back then, the hole was small but big enough for a kid to go through. That's right, I alone pulled the heavy piece out and back in several times. I don't know how, but anything might be possible for freedom.

"Go through it. You'll end up outside in the streets. Take this phone with you. Call the police and report the situation" I handed my phone to the girl who still didn't seem to trust me as she reluctantly took it.

"Also, find this grocery store nearby called Giovannis Grocers. Find a man‐"

No wait, he's older now.

"-old man named Mateen. Tell him that (L/N) sent you there to wait until authorities arrive. Tell him everything too. He'll understand"

Because that's who he is. He's an understanding man who understood my situation. The person who gave me free snacks when I told him I didn't have money on me.

"A-And where does this lead to?" The girl decided to speak again.

"The streets. Specifically? To an alley way. Not many people go through there since there's not much room and it's a dead-end. If you encounter any danger, just scream as loud as you can. I'll come and save-"

Wait. No.

My mission is to kill my parents. Not to help some kids. Why am I acting like the hero?

Next thing I know, these kids will talk about me and then word will spread in the city.

"Okay," the girl responded with a small smile, seemingly warming up to me "we'll trust you"

Unrequited Love [Jason Todd x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now