Chapter 14

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"Was my death justified? Miss Ace?"

"NO! IT WASN'T!!" (Y/N) shot up from her sleep after hearing Jason's last words, her arm outstretched in front of her.

She breath in and out, panting as she slowly realized that it was all just a nightmare. She was back on her bed, at the warehouse.

Someone else was also beside her,

When she slowly moved her eyes to look, it was Jason with his helmet off and retracting his hovering hand from the spot where her head was supposed to be.

"Are you okay?" He asked, a little bit concerned with how she woke up. He handed her a piece of cloth so she can dry herself up from her sweat. "What were you dreaming about?"

She shook her head, "Nothing. I just-... it was a nightmare, okay?" She got up from the bed and set the towel in the counter after cleaning her face and neck. 'Jason really is alive...'

With her back still facing him, she questioned, "Jason, one question: How are you alive?"

"Don't want to say"


The atmosphere in the room felt a little weird to her. She had so many questions but it almost felt wrong to ask them right now. Truthfully, she didn't want to talk to him at all.

Since he didn't want to give an answer to that, she did remember Val mentioning something about them working together before passing out.

"Hey... what did V mean by working together?" She rotated, resting against the counter with her arms crossed.

"I guess you are feeling better" he commented to himself, confirming that it was okay to talk about it now. "I want to propose a team up. I have the bomb, and you guys have the Joker"

"I really can just catch him myself without any help, but since I found you, I'm willing to collaborate" he added.

'Yeah, something's definitely wrong here' (Y/N) thought. 'If he can do it himself, he would. No matter what'

"Too bad, I refuse" she hastily replied.

"Why?" He stood up from his chair. "You don't trust me?"

(Y/N) didn't say anything back and made her way to the door– grabbing the doorknob before he grabbed her other hand.

"I like you..."

She kept still.

Those words were probably the words that would've given her warmth a long time ago. A feeling she wished to feel. However, now? She didn't feel anything.

It wasn't just because she might've lost her love for him, but because those words weren't sincere.

"Let's defeat the Joker together, side by side. Can you promise me that?"

(Y/N) finally understood. His question brought out his real intentions towards this 'collaboration.' It seems that he didn't trust her. Not as much as he did the last time they saw each other.

A chuckle escaped her lips, "Jay," she retreated her hand from his grip, "you made that too easy for me to read. You could've just been direct with me. You don't trust me anymore"

Unrequited Love [Jason Todd x Reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon