Chapter 5

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*Spoilers to A Death in the Family comic for this and the next chapter*

"I think I found her!" Jason suddenly shouted after busting the door to my room open.

"Who?!! And also watch it! Don't break my door!" I yelled in return before realizing that huge smile on his face. Totally different than the vacant glance he had on the entire day after overhearing Bruman telling Alfred about wanting to take the Robin mantle from him. His eyes were filled with excitement once again, "My real mother"

"Well, not yet- but I found out she's still alive!"

Along with his contentment, I gasped with widened eyes, "That's good!!"

"I'm thinking about going to Israel" 


"Hold your horses, what?"

"There are 3 women far out of the country that could possibly be my real mother. One of them IS that's for sure. I'm going to Israel first, and then if it isn't the first one then I'll move on to the seco-"

"Hold on! I said hold on" I interrupted with my hands up in front of me. "You're going with Bruman's permission, right?"

He looked hesitant to reply but attempted to give an answer, "Would he understand? Wouldn't he just hold me back? I need to see her. Like now. I can't wait. Besides, I'm 15- almost 16, I can fly on my own. I don't need any adult supervision"

I really can't believe he's thinking about going alone. To another country, at that! "Jay, you're being ridiculous right now. Why wouldn't he care? He'll know how much it means to you"

"If you go now, he'll get mad at you for going alone AND without telling him"

He scratched his jaw with a pout as he began to contemplate about his decision, "Yeah I know..."

"I'll go"

"NO!" He rapidly outstretched his arm in front of him. "It's dangerous"

I scoffed and chuckled, "Oh noww, you say it's dangerous. Listen, if you go, I go"

Now that I said this, he showed how troubled he was by my statement. He sighed in defeat, "Fine, Fine, I'll tell him"


His sigh was long and low, "Cross my heart"

He said this, but hours later, we all found out– including Bruce, that Jason was gone. This motherf-

I had no other choice than to stay inside while Bruman said he'd go after the Joker who also seemed to be going out of the country in Lebanon. He said he had to talk to a friend of his who worked at the C.I.A first.

I pleaded Alfred to ask Bruman about Jason, but he said he couldn't call him. Bruman was the one who instructed him that he'd call him back again in 12 hours. So now I have to wait nervously and patiently for that entire interval. Hopefully he can find Jason.

Sometimes I'd pace around my room, biting my nail and negatively overthinking the situation. Other times, I wouldn't even have time to think thanks to Alfred who was able to distract me.

But the thought always wandered around my head without a leash. Again... again... and again. I sighed, sitting on the couch with Alfred and the TV playing in the background as I gazed out the window to the entrance doors of Wayne Manor. It looked cloudy, like it was about to rain.

"Want to take me on on another game of chess?" I heard him question, attempting to suggest a way to entertain me for the tenth time today. Or more.

Unrequited Love [Jason Todd x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now