Chapter 2

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[(Y/N)'s POV]

"Zane is such a trustworthy manager, don't you think?"

Without moving my body from my chair in our meeting table, I turned my head to Val, expressionless. He avoided my eyes, awkwardly tapping the table's surface with his finger as I gave him no response.

Valerian Kane. He always seems nervous when he talks to me, as if he was in danger or something. He probably acts that way because of the bullying he went through as a kid. He said that the little bastards would laugh because his name sounded like a girl's name. Tsk, children. Though after spending years with him, I got used to his personality at this point. He's even become one of my closest friends.

"Yeah, he is" I switched my glance to where Zane was helping out a younger guy clean up the blood on the floor. "Why did you recruit the new guy? Isn't he almost my age?"

Val nodded, "He is. He's 19 and I decided to recruit him since the projects he presented for weapons and defense were actually pretty good"

"But yours are always superior" I laid my head down on the table, both my hands underneath my chin. He brushed his fingers through his brown fringe hair with the recent caramel brown highlights he got. He softly chuckled, "Hah, I don't know about that"

"Anyways, why'd you kill Manuel. He was a pretty decent guy"

I rolled my eyes, "Exactly, he was. Until he lied to me just now. See, when I asked him to ask the Joker for a million, he decided to ask for 2 million, keeping a million for himself. He's crazy!"

"Wow, that's new" Val wore a grimace look on his face. He was right, which is why I was so pissed off. I trusted Manuel with the task, but he ruined it.

I sighed, "At this point, I'll go back to doing things myself"

"Careful" Another familiar voice said, making me raise my head to meet their forest green eyes and their smile. "You almost sound like that psychotic clown"

Lina Aldaine. She's the best at completing missions, and because of those missions, she became such a great flexible fighter. We're both specialized in combat compared to Val who's more of a tech and brains guy. But both of them are a year younger than me, yet Lina is a few months younger than Val, and probably the person I trust the most before Valerian.

Though sometimes...

She made herself comfortable on her chair, putting her feet on top of the table and crossing her arms behind her ruby red hair, "Oh, and what were you both chit-chatting about? And alone?" She emphasized with small gasp.

-she can be a pain in the ass.

"Are you both dat-" she stopped on her tracks once she saw the glare she received from me. Seriously, how can she get to that conclusion in just a matter of seconds?

"D-Dat-Data analyzing without me?" She made up her excuse and snapped her fingers, "Yeah, that's what I was going to say, what happened (Y/A/N)? Why are you glaring at me?" Her voice filled with innocence.

"You couldn't have taken any longer on your mission?" I stated in sarcasm, straightening my back and lifting my head back up. She wore a teasing smirk, "Sorry, but killing the thug Batman captured from us wasn't such a difficult task. Fortunately, I'm just that skilled" she flipped her French braid with pride which she'd usually have resting on one shoulder.

She stared back at me with a smug for a few seconds, and since I didn't react in any way, she soon shifted her chair near Val. Even though she looked like she was whispering to his ear, she was actually talking out loud, "So, when are you asking her o-"

Unrequited Love [Jason Todd x Reader]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα