Chapter 12

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We turned our masks on and walked out to check the commotion going on outside. It was something serious because everyone had stopped working.

"Zane" I turned to him, letting him know he can start explaining.

"It was a man, he had dark hair, maybe in his early 20's. But he's definitely someone I don't recognize from here. He left me unconscious and tied up in the bathroom, if anything, he's probably still in here"

"Gather around! Masks and hats off, now!" Lina ordered. The goons all obeyed her and took their hats off.

"See them?" I asked Zane, which he responded by shaking his head.


It was an explosion that suddenly came from behind us. Val's room. This isn't good because that's where-

"The bomb..." Val whispered before hastily moving his feet to the room. Lina and I followed after but stopped when he glanced at us, "-it's gone"

Yeah. That's where we kept the bomb we were going to use to kill Joker. The reason we didn't buy a bomb was because the Joker would be aware of it somehow. Believe me, we tried it once, and we had to make up an excuse. And we can't ask for too much money, so Val offered to create one himself. It was the first time he was doing it, so it took longer than expected.

Though now, it didn't matter since someone stole it and made their own exit with a smaller bomb to get out of the room.

Lina rotated her head to me, "(Y/A/N), let's go" I nodded and climbed the ladder to the roof of the warehouse, following behind her.

When we reached the top, we caught a glimpse of the runner.

Red Hood.

°• Flashback •°

"(Y/N), I got some information about the guy. I couldn't find much since they don't tend to stand out a lot"

"It's alright, what'd you find?" I turned to Val.

"He calls himself Red Hood" he handed me a photo of the familiar red helmet guy.

Red Hood? Wasn't that the name Joker took before he fell in the chemicals?

"He's become famous in Gotham just recently for killing a lot of Black Mask's men, supposedly. Also, he worked with Hush and Lina once. I asked her if she recognized the name and she confirmed she did. She just never knew his identity under the mask"

I mused and tapped my finger on the table of my room, "What was their mission again?"

"As you know, Lina was supposed to infiltrate and work with Hush in order to find out what his plans towards Batman was, so she can report back to Joker. Honestly, I'm not sure if they did anything huge or something"

"So then he's been here before, just now he's starting to gain spotlight"

A brief moment of silence washed over us while Val scratched the back of his neck, "Sorry... I couldn't find a lot of information"

"It's completely fine, Val"

I thought figuring out who he was was going to be easy. Turns out, it's a lot more complicated than it seems.

°• End of Flashback •°

How did he even find our base? Unless...

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