6. Happy 16th, Ally!-pt. 1

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She walked to her locker to take her books for the next lesson.-"Really? I like your shirt. You didn't have a better idea?"-Jasper whispered.-"That was the first thing that came up to my mind. And what did you say, these crop top shirts generally look good on you."-Henry whispered.-"Purple looks good on you."-Jasper was imitating Henry quietly so Ally won't hear him.-"You have a great styling."-Henry was imitating Jasper quietly.

"Guys! Why are you so weird today?"-Ally stood between them.-"No we're not."-Henry said and looked at Jasper.-"Never mind, I don't have the nerve for this."-she said and looked once more at both.

They were about to go to the classroom when Nicolas, one of their classmates came up to them.-"Hi guys."-he said.-"Hi Nicolas. What's up?"-Henry said.-"I wanted to ask Ally something."-he said and looked at Ally.-"What's up?"-Ally said.

"I'm having a party on Saturday, so I wanted to ask you if you want to come."-he said.-"Sure. I can come."-Ally said and Henry and Jasper looked at each other in panic.-"No, Ally you can't go."-Henry wrapped his hand around her shoulders.

"No, yes I can."-she said.-"No... you can't... because... you have plans."-Jasper added.-"Do I?"-she looked at him confused.-"Yes, you do."-Jasper said.-"Also, it's your birthday."-Henry added.-"Yes I know but I don't have plans for Saturday."-she said.

"I promise I'll explain everything later."-Henry whispered on her ear.-"What? Okay. Looks like these two are hiding something from me so I'm sorry but I can't come. I'm really sorry, maybe next time."-Ally smiled.-"Oh, okay. Bye."-Nicolas waved and left.

"Okay! What's wrong with you today!? You're so weird!"-she angrily turned to Henry and Jasper.-"Noth..."-"Henry no! I don't want to hear the word nothing because something is up, and you guys don't want to tell me."-Ally interrupted him.-"If I promise I'll tell you later, will you calm down."-Henry said.-"Fine. Let's go to class."-she said and walked to the classroom.

After school Henry and Ally went to her house and Jasper went to the Man cave so he can help Ray and Piper prepare everything for tomorrow. Henry and Ally were home alone because Molly haven't arrived yet. They were in her room doing their Math homework.

"This is weird, my mom is usually at home at this time."-Ally said looking at the time on her phone.-"Maybe she had to stay longer today."-Henry said not lifting his head up.-"She'd already text me 10 times and call me."-she laughed-"So, about today... are you going to tell me?"-she said and Henry lifted his head up.

"Why don't we finish this Math homework and talk later?"-Henry said.-"No, you'll tell me now."-she said and took the notebook from him.-"Ally, give me the notebook back, I'll tell you later."-he said trying to get the notebook back.

"You'll tell me now."-she gave him a serious look.-"Fine. I'll tell you. Have you ever thrown a party?"-he asked.-"How? With whom?"-"I thought so. Well..."-Henry started to speak when Molly came in the room.

"Ally!"-she said excited and smiling.-"What's wrong?"-"I finally got the shift to the director's place!"-Molly said smiling.-"No way! Oh my God! I'm so happy for you! Congrats!"-Ally jumped in her hug and hugged her tightly.

"Congrats Mrs. Roberts."-Henry walked up to her.-"Thank you!"-Molly smiled at him.-"But I have a problem, Ally."-she immediately changed her mood.-"What?"-Ally asked worried.-"They organized a lunch tomorrow after I finish my shift and it'll last till, I don't know when. I won't be here for your birthday. I already asked if I could come a little bit later so I can be with you for at least an hour. I'm feeling so bad, but I have to be there."-Molly sighed.

"No, no, no, no, no! Don't feel bad. We'll celebrate my birthday when you come! Go and celebrate your success, you deserve it."-Ally hugged her again.-"You sure you won't be mad?"-"No! Go and have fun."-Ally laughed.

The Dangers-chapter 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu