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𝔴𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔫𝔬𝔴?


naoya stomped his way over to me--but before he reached me, toji was already in front of me.

"get out of the way uncle. this doesn't involve you any longer! you've got your money now scram!" 


"look nephew, it seems i've changed my mind. you can keep your money," toji reached into his pocket and slabbed the money to naoya's feet. "i'm taking the girl back. seems this marriage is over" he smirked.

naoya's eye began twitching, his fists balled up in anger. crap, what the hell toji!

megumi grabbed me and pulled me behind him.

"stay behind me, we're escaping. dad can handle this" megumi said.

"give her, now" he demanded.

toji remained silent. he glanced back at us, staring at me for a good while, until finally; he started smirking at us.

"you win naoya. she's yours. sorry for stepping in" he stepped away from us and walked towards naoya's side.

"dad! what the hell are you doing!?" megumi shouted.

"we can't outrun him megumi. you should know better" toji lifted his chin at us in pride.

the satisfaction in naoya's face immediately lit a raging fire in me. my teeth began grinding over each other, trying not to spit out anything at them both.

he betrayed us again. he lied. AGAIN. what else could he possibly do now?

"toji, do me one last favor. kill your son" naoya grinned.

toji and i locked eyes for the moment. he glared at me and smiled softly. my eyes narrowed at him, he wasn't planning to hold back.

"enough! you want to marry me right? then let's do it! forget him and just get the marriage ceremony started" i shouted.

"that isn't enough actually. megumi's gonna keep coming around i can see it in his eyes, so one way to ensure we'll be happy is if he's burried 6 ft under ground" naoya spoke so calmly about this. 

his whole personality sickens me. just looking at his face makes me want to vomit.

"then the marriage is off. you won't get away with any of this!" i slammed my feet on the ground.

naoya giggled like it was so amusing of me to be realistic. he glanced at toji, signaling him to kill his own son. toji began cracking his neck and fingers--then pulled out a large katana blade from his pants.

"i always knew you'd die by my hands son, i just thought you'd get to have a fair chance against me. oh well" toji smirked.

in the blink of an eye, toji appeared in front of me. he tossed me to the side and began throwing his sword against megumi. without hesitation, megumi had also pulled out his long katana out and crossed blades with his father.

my side had began hurting. just how strong is he? crap! i forgot megumi is still injured! he'll die if i don't help somehow.

i began looking around, trying to see what i can use against them right now.

"what are you doing dear? you know it's not right for you to just sit down there while the show is going on" naoya walked over to me and yanked my hair upwards.

he pulled me up and forced me to watch megumi and toji fight against each other.

"this is what you caused. he's going to die because of you" he whispered in my ears.

ℑ𝔫𝔣𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔶 ıllıllı 𝔐𝔢𝔤𝔲𝔪𝔦 𝔉𝔲𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔤𝔲𝔯𝔬Where stories live. Discover now