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"cute dog!" he scratched the head of the dog i was holding.

"thanks, why are you here?" i asked.

he walked in and threw his bag on my couch.

"woah man, you sure cleaned up the place since the last time i was here" he ogled the place.

"uh, not exactly" i sighed.

"no i swear i saw your pile of underwear in that corner over ther--"

"yuuji what the hell do you want!?" i growled.

"oh! right, i came over to think of some ideas for our project" he said.

"and you couldn't text me?" i groaned.

"i would of, but i thought this was better" he chuckled.

this is why you're failing class.

"so you got dogs now? i thought this apartment didn't let you guys have pets. . .let alone your dad"

"yeah i know okay! i'm thinking of a way dad won't kill me okay" i face palmed.

"woah! you got heart shaped cookies!? did someone make them for you?" he seemed so surprised that someone was being kind to me.

"yeah she's my da--"

"megumi," he appeared out of nowhere right in front of me. "do you finally have a girlfriend?" he gave me such a saddened look.

"can you let me talk? no! i don't have a girlfriend. she's my dad's. . .girlfriend. she made them for me" it felt so awkward to say this out loud.

he looked dumbfounded.

"your dad has a new girlfriend? since when?" he questioned.

"since two weeks ago" i sighed as i walked to my couch.

i slumped myself down, yuuji following not far behind doing the exact same.

"wow, is she desperate for something?" he asked.

"what?" i scoffed.

"well your dad has a type. kinda skanky, addict, and anorexic--oh and horrible attitude" he said.

"yeah, i think i would know. but no, she's not like that at all" i sighed.

"wow. . .game changer this season" he was appalled.

i hear splashing sounds coming from the bathroom. she's done with her bath. i hear her draining the bathtub and after turning the shower head on.

"she's showering?" yuuji asked.

"yeah, she woke up with a fever so i told her to take the day off from work" i said.

the puppy in my arm began wiggling off from me. i let him off and scurried to dad's room.

"where is he going?" yuuji asked.

"he's probably gonna drink water, or checking on it's sibling" 

"woah, two dogs? you're gonna get a talk from your dad for sure when he comes around" yuuji giggled.

i smacked the back of his head, stopping his annoying ass from continuing any more pointless jokes.

"can i have a cookie?" he asked.

"no way, get your own" i snorted.

"but they're right there! and there's so many too. c'mon! just one!" he plead.

ℑ𝔫𝔣𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔶 ıllıllı 𝔐𝔢𝔤𝔲𝔪𝔦 𝔉𝔲𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔤𝔲𝔯𝔬Where stories live. Discover now