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In a run down, untidy house, the sound of water subsided as a young woman stepped out of the shower and, after giving her body a quick dry, draped herself in towels. She made her way to her bedroom, where she had to take care of two important tasks for the day. The first, checking her day planner.

She flipped to today's date and let out a little groan. She immediately saw the words "6pm, Elise", the name of a client she'd rather do without. But money is money, and she for sure wanted the money. She put her planner away and got to work on the second and more unpleasant of the two tasks.

The woman, Rayne, had led and interesting life and continues to do so. Her parents weren't exactly there for her, or anyone for that matter, and she grew up without a lot of guidance or motivation to do the "right" thing. She ended up falling in with a crowd that most people would warn against, ended up dropping out of high school, and since her life has basically been drugs, sex, parties, and concerts.

She of course needed a way to fund these activities, as well as her living expenses now that she had escaped her parents. And considering her familiarity with illicit substances, the answer to her financial situation was obvious.

She was infamous in the area both for her reputation as a badass and her profession, for which she is known to actually be quite professional. Both sides of this reputation are important to her; her professional reputation brings in more sales, and she wants people to know she isn't to be fucked with.

The latter point is related to the previously mentioned second task, which comes from an issue dating back to her high school days. Ever since a house party she attended, she had a bit of a problem with drugs and alcohol use. Every time she consumed some, and it really didn't seem to matter how much, she ended up wetting the bed that night. It was rather strange as she'd been having these substances just fine beforehand, when suddenly this issue seemed to appear out of nowhere. She'd been bailed out on the day by someone else and has managed to hide this problem since. It was embarrassing, but she had grown to become more or less okay with it. However, she had to be sure that absolutely no one would ever find out, as she knew it would mess with her unbreakable reputation.

Last night, she'd had a few drinks. Not a large amount, just a few to unwind at the end of the day. As such, she woke up soaked, and now had laundry to do. She knew wearing protection would likely solve the issue of constantly doing laundry, however she hated the idea of doing so, and simply washed her bedding much more often than most people would. And of course, it goes without saying that she always makes sure to end up home if she's had any substances.

She got to work on the laundry. With a twinge of embarrassment, she collected her stained, wet bedsheets and pajamas and threw them in the wash. Then it was time to get to business. It was a pretty light day in terms of work, she always made sure her day was mostly empty when she was seeing Elise. It was usually a mentally tiring experience.

Elise is also an issue she's carried around since high school. Honestly, there's nothing really wrong with Elise on paper. She doesn't fit into Rayne's lifestyle at all, and as far as she's concerned, they simply do not get along. This would, of course, be fine, if it weren't for the fact that Elise clearly has a huge crush on Rayne, one that could likely be described as obsession.

Unlike Rayne, Elise had a very stable house with a loving family who provided all she needed. Elise was a bit bookish, and a very sweet girl, simply not the type of person who would fit in with Rayne or her crowd. Rayne is all but certain that the only reason Elise ever attended parties at all was simply to be closer to her. To this day, Elise still buys Rayne's goods, and Rayne is certain she's only doing so for the sake of forcing a meeting.

Additionally, Rayne does owe Elise some gratitude, a fact that only makes the situation more awkward. When Rayne had wet the bed for the first time at that house party, Elise was the person who had saw what happened, woke her up, sneaked her away, and took the fall for her. Needless to say, Rayne was truly grateful for this, and that she has never really had the chance to properly repay her. Elise occasionally does bring the event up, but Rayne always quickly shuts these conversations down. It is not exactly something she wants to relive.

With a resigned sigh, Rayne put her planner away and started her daily routine. Appearances were very important to her, she needed the perfect outfit, the perfect makeup, and the perfect fragrance every day, and she always gave herself plenty of time to get everything just right. When she was satisfied, she got her supplies and headed out for what will surely be a short but tiring day.

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