"You don't bother me, you can stay as long as you need."

"I know, but I just................I can't. I appreciate everything you have done but I need to leave."

I walk past him and run down the hallway, I walk into my room and start crying while I shove my stuff into my suitcase. I zip it up and grab my purse before I leave the room, I walk past the guys in the living room.

"Nice meeting you Tessa." The same guy from before says.

"You too." I say politely.

Zach walks back into the living room and watches me but doesn't say anything, I open the door and walk out with my bags.

I really need to bring my car down from my parents house, I'll bring  it down after thanksgiving. Gosh there's so much I need to do, I have class in 1 hour but I'm not going. God I hate this all so much, I hate him. I hate him so fucking much.

I call a cab and the driver doesn't even help me put my bags in the back, what do I expect? Everyone in this city is an asshole, especially Hardin.

I get in the cab and put my seatbelt on.

"Where to lady?" The driver asks rudely.


"Hello? I don't got all day." He snarls.

"I'm sorry, just the nearest hotel please."

I see him roll his eyes before he starts driving, I rest my head on the window and hold my breath so I don't make any noise while I cry. I told myself that I wouldn't do this, I promised I wouldn't shed anymore tears for that god awful man. I just can't hold myself together, not anymore. Before I thought I would get through this, before I thought that we would get through this. Yes I was mad and angry but I was ok with forgiving him because my love was stronger than my hate..............but now there's nothing more I would like to see then for him to suffer. I want him to hurt the way I'm hurting, I want him to feel his heart being ripped out of his chest. I barely survived his betrayal last time but now...............I'm sure it will kill me..........and I hope it does.

My phone buzzes and a small part of me hopes that it's him just so I can't ignore the call, it's not him. It's my mother, I haven't talked to her in days. I just can't bring myself to talk to her, not after everything I've been through.

I ignore the call and rest my head back on the window.


The cab stops, I look to the side and see a fancy hotel.

"Thank you." I say.

"Yeah whatever, 50 dollars."

"What, you drove me two blocks and there was no traffic. That's an outrageous price and I'm not paying it."

I don't usually fight about this kinda stuff but this guy is a grade A asshole.

"Look lady, just pay me."

I reach into my wallet and pull out a 50 dollar bill and hand it to him before I grab my bags in the trunk. He speeds off, these are the moments that I missed what I thought Hardin and I had. He would protect me.

No Tessa.

Fuck him.

I shake the thought of him away before I walk into the hotel and immediately a bellman takes away my bags.

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