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I gave a confused looked when Blaine parked by a funeral home. I looked at Blaine, trying to understand why someone needs a club, butcher shop, and a funeral home. "I must be confusing you. Aren't I?" He asked. I nodded my head as I unbuckled. 

"Well, there are more zombies out there than just the ones you know. There are more than just you, me, Don E, and Julian. It's my job to keep them fed. That's why I own a funeral home and a butcher shop and a club. It's to keep the other zombies in the city full and happy." Blaine answered. I looked at him before I opened the door to the car. I grabbed the strap of my backpack before I climbed out of the car. 

I guess it makes sense. This funeral home is where Blaine gets the brains. The butchershop is probably where he sells them to people and the club has some brains there along with a bra. I closed the door and started to make my way to the main door. Blaine locked the door before walking behind me. 

When I got to the door, I looked back at Blaine before I opened the door. I walked inside and looked around a little bit. I heard the door close, making me look to see Blaine behind me. "Follow me. You can stay upstairs in my office." Blaine said as he walked farther into the home. 

I followed behind him until we got to a set of stairs. I followed him upstairs until we got to a room. "If you need anything, my phone is in your new phone. I also will either be at my desk on the main floor or downstairs." Blaine said. I looked at him before nodding my head. He patted my shoulder before he walked down the stairs to the first floor. I took my bag off and put it down on the floor. 

I sat down at a table before opening up my backpack. I heard the main door downstairs open and close. "Where is Blaine McDonough?" A voice yelled. That's when I recognized the voice that was yelling. It's the lady that is claiming to be my mom. I opened my backpack before pulling out my sketchbook and the pencil case. I put them on the table when I heard someone walking up the stairs. 

I turned and looked to see Don E walking towards me. "What's going on?" I asked him. "The lady from the club is here. That's why I am up here. Blaine wants me to stay here in case the lady finds out that you are." Don E said as he walked to the other side of the table. He sat down and looked at me. "So, whatcha doing?" He asked. I put my sketchbook on the table in front of the two of us. 

"I was going to draw," I said. He nodded his head before he pulled his phone out. I opened up the pencil case. I grabbed a pencil before I opened it up to the first page. I heard movement from the bottom of the steps, making me worry. "So, what do you think about the school you and Blaine went to today?" Don E asked, trying to take my mind off of whatever is going on on the main floor. 

I looked at him before I started to lightly sketch on the open page. "It's cool. Little worried to start there Monday." answered. 

"And why are you worried?" I looked up at him before looking back down at the piece of paper. "It's been forever since I've set foot in a building with a lot of people like a school building. I've barely even talked to people since I left the facility." I answered. I started to feel safe. I started to not have a care in the world. Even though I still hear voices from downstairs and moving around. 

"Well, I'm sure you'll have the time of your life. Sure I have never stepped foot in a gifted school, but I'm sure that a gifted school is nothing like normal highschool. Which if I were you, I would be thankful that gifted school is not high school." Don E said. I looked up at him before looking down at the page. I've never been to a high school so I have no clue what he was talking about. 

But I have heard from some of the girls at the facility, the girls who have been to high school, they would tell me how shitty or terrible high school is. "So, what kind of classes are you going to be taking?" Don E asked me, making me loose my train of thought. "Umm, I when I was filling out the papers, I put down art classes, I believe one history class, a few English classes and I think a science class." I answered as I put the pencil away. I grabbed a a sharpie. 

Don E opened his mouth to say something before a voice from downstairs stopped him. "No, get out. Get out of building. You have no right to be here." Blaine's calm voice said from the bottom of the steps. "Shit, stay here." Don E said as he stood up. I took the cap off of the sharpie as he walked to the stairs. I watched him as he slowly walked down the steps. I started to outline and color in my drawing with the sharpie. 

"Move out of the way. You have no right to keep our daughter away from us." Charotte's voice said. "You heard the man get." Don E said as I heard someone moving on the steps. 

I looked to see Julian close to the top of the steps. He gave me a small sad smile before he walked back down. "No, you heard my wife. Move out of the way. If you don't move I will make you move." another familiar voice said. "No, get out of the building or we will call the police and have you to arrest for trespassing." Julian said. 

"We will be back and this time we will not be able. We will get our daughter back." Charolett said as I got closer to finishing my drawing. I heard the door slam making me jump. I took a shakey breath before I went back to finishing my drawing. "Sorry, that you had to hear that kiddo." Blaine said. I looked over at him before I went back to my drawing. 

"It's okay." I said. "It's not. It's not okay that you had to hear that. Look no matter what happens, I will not let that couple take you out of my care." Blaine said as he got closer to me. "Even if what they are saying is true." I said. "Yes, even if what they said is true." Blaine said. He put his hand on my left shoulder. "Wow, that looks amazing." Blaine said as he looked at my drawing. 

I smiled as I made one more line, finishing the drawing

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I smiled as I made one more line, finishing the drawing. "Thanks." I said as I put the cap on the sharpie. "You are really talented." Blaine said as I put the sharpie back into the pencil case. "What would happen if they did try to take me out of your custody?" I asked. "Well, there will be a trail and I will do anything to make sure that you stay in my custody." Blaine said. He leaned down and kissed the crown of my head. 

"Well, I have to get back to work. If you need anything, text or call or find me. Okay?" Blaine asked. I nodded my head, letting him know that I understand and or that I will do that. I looked up at him. He gave me a small smile before he walked over to the stairs and down the stairs. 

I closed the sketchbook. I put my pencil case and my sketchbook into my backpack before I grabbed the book that I brought with. I looked towards the stairs to see if anyone was there. When I didn't see anyone, I looked back at the book before turning to the first page. I took the bookmark and put it on the table before I started to read. Getting caught up in the world of Auggie Pullman. 

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