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I sat down at the same table as yesterday. A tray with an apple, a cartoon of silk milk, eight chicken nuggets, two containers of barbecue sauce, and a pile of lettuce with ranch dressing on the top of it. In front of the tray is my book, open for me to read. I have two and a half pages left to read. I was slowly eating my food and reading the book. 

I have plenty of time to eat lunch, so why rush my way through? Two people sat down at the table with me. I looked up for a second to see that it was Rosie and Jaxon. I then looked back at the book. I grabbed a chicken nugget and dipped it in the barbecue sauce. I took a few small bites of it before I flipped the page with my free hand, trying my best not to get barbecue sauce on the pages of the book. 

I once I finished the last page of the book. I closed it before putting the book down on the table. I put the bookmark down on the table before finished the chicken nugget that is in my hand. I grabbed the book and moved it so it was by the side of the tray. I put the bookmark on top of the book. 

"So, I know it's a couple days away....but do you have any kinds for this weekend?" Jaxon asked. I looked at him before I kept on eating. "Not much. Hey, do you guys have any plans?" Rosie asked us. "No, I don't." Jaxon said. "What about your AJ?" Roise asked me. I looked at her. I opened my mouth to say something, but someone walked up to the table. "She's busy, ain't that right Annabell?" Grace's voice said. I looked at her in confusion. "No, I do not have anything planned. You are wrong." I said. "No, I'm not. Just ask your so called dad." Grace said. 

She laughed before walking away from the table. I looked at her then at the table, I'm so confused. I pulled my phone out and unlocked it. I went to the message app before I went to Blaine's. 

Me: Hey, am I free this weekend? Rosie and her friend want to know.

As I waited for him to text back, I put the phone down on the table on top of the book before I started to eat, waiting for Blaine to text me back. "What do you think she means by that?" Jaxon asked me. "How should I know?" I asked him. I looked to see my phone went off. I grabbed it to see that Blaine texted me back. 

Blaine: I have to tell you after school.

I sighed before turning my phone off. I slide it into my pocket. I looked at Rosie and Jaxon before I kept on eating, worried that something will happen. I tried my best not to worry too much, but it was kind of hard not to worry that much. 


Blaine had me finish my homework before he told me that we needed to talk. I'm sitting on the couch in the living room. Blaine is sitting in a chair not too far from me. "I'm sorry to tell you this kiddo, but.....do you know the lady that claimed to be your mom?" Blaine asked me. I nodded my head, knowing who he was talking about. 

"Well, yesterday...she and her husband gave me court papers. She's trying to get custody over you. I have to go to court this weekend to fight to keep you in my custody." Blaine said. I looked at him, scared that I might have to live with people that claim to be the ones that she abandoned me. I looked down at my hands. 

I started to fidget, scared that I might have to move in with people that left me. Blaine got up from the chair that he was sitting in and walked over to me. He knelled in front of me and grabbed my hands making me stop fidgeting. "Everything will be okay, Annabell. I will do everything in my power to keep you in my custody." Blaine said. He moved so he was sitting next to me. He held me, kind of calming my worries. 

"I'm going to call your school tomorrow. You do not have to go to school. I want you to meet someone that hopefully will help." Blaine said. I took deep breaths as I nodded my head. I tried my best to keep calm, but I still felt an attack coming. Blaine pulled me into his lap and slowly rocked me back and forth. 

"Everything will be okay." Blaine said. Once the attack subsided, Blaine put me back down on the couch. He moved so he was sitting down on the coffee table that is in front of me. 

I looked at him, knowing that I might have to leave Blaine. "Who am I going to meet tomorrow?" I asked him. Blaine looked at me before running his hands through his hair. "My father, Angus. I'm going to see if I can talk him into letting us use one of his lawyers." Blaine answered. I looked at him to see that he looks worried. Probably more worried than I am. 

"Hey, why don't you go up to your room and find something to do? I have to make a few calls and get a few things in order before the court date." Blaine said as he got up from the table.

 He kissed the crown of my head before he walked out of the room. I looked at him as he walked to his office. I sat there for a little while before I got up and walked up to my room. When I got there, I sat down in my desk chair before I moved so I was in front of Marvel's cage. He is laying down behind a fake tree looking thing. 

I kept my eye on him for a little while before I got up. I grabbed the book that I finished reading at school. I walked over to the bookshelf. I put the book on the shelf before walking back over to the desk. I sat back down on the desk chair before I opened up my sketchbook. I grabbed a pencil before I started to draw. Slowly getting pulled out of the worry of having to leave Blaine's custody. 

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