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*Blaine's View*

I sighed as my phone went off. I grabbed my phone before answering. "What?" I asked as I looked at the time on my clock. "Hey, Blaine. There is someone at the club claiming to know the kid zombie that is living with you know." Don E said. I sat up and started to get ready for the day. Might as well since Don E woke me up. 

"Who is it?" I asked as I started to pull on jeans. "Not sure. Some chick. I don't know. Are you coming here or not?" Don E said. "Can't kid zombie aka, my new adopted daughter is here and with what time it is......she is probably still sleeping," I said. 

"Maybe you should come in.....This chick thinks she's related to kid zombie." Don E said. I stopped what I was doing. "You don't say. Look, I'll see what Annabell wants to do. If she wants to meet whoever that is or not. I'll get back to you." I hung up before I finished getting dressed. I double-checked the time. 

It's seven in the morning. So, there is a good chance she could be up. I walked out of my room and down the stairs to the living room. I stopped when I saw Annabell laying on the couch. She's facing me so I can see that she is still fast asleep. Her pearl white hair is all over the place. 

A few bigger strands are right in her face, but most of her hair is behind her head. I couldn't help the smile that is spread across my face. I quietly walked into the kitchen and tried my best not to make any noises. 

*Anna's View*

I sat up and looked around the room. That's when I saw I was still in Blaine's house. Meaning, I still am a zombie. I sighed before I threw the blankets off my body making a guest of cold wind hint the once was warm skin. I shivered before I climbed off the bed. I heard a few pans moving around the kitchen, making me think that Blaine is there. I turned around and started to fold up the blankets and the bedsheet. 

***I looked around an unfamiliar room. I'm making a bed with someone else on the other side. I have never seen him before either. "Now that the bed is made, what else would you like to do this morning?" the man asked as he walked towards me. "Not sure. I mean, the baby is due anytime now." a lady's voice said.***

I took a deep breath as I looked to see that I'm back in Blaine's living room. My breathing became uneven as I tried to figure out what was going on. "Where did you go?" a voice asked making me look towards the kitchen. My breathing started to calm. "What the hell was that?" I asked, my voice a little rough from not speaking for many hours. "That, my young friend was a vision. You will get a few of them each time you eat a brain." Blaine explained. 

"Some of them can be terrible and others can be good and by the look on your face that one is a good one," he added. 

I took a deep breath before nodding my head. "Yeah, it was," I said. He nodded his head. "Well, I'm making breakfast. If you are hungry." Blaine said. I looked around the room before I walked towards the kitchen. He turned around and started to walk back into the kitchen. "I hope you are okay with eggs," he said. 

"Yeah, I'm okay with eggs," I said. I looked around the kitchen as I took deep breaths. Still trying to stay calm, which does not help when you can have Anxiety and panic attacks. "So, after breakfast we have to make a stop at my club before we go shopping." Blaine said as he started to put eggs and brain on two different plates. 

"Alright." I said as he grabbed the two plates and walked over to a dining table. He put the plates down by a two different spots. Each spot has forks and a glass of something. Blaine sat down, at one of the spots. 

"So, do you have any ideas for your room?" Blaine asked as I walked over and sat down at the free spot. "A little yeah. Is this the same brain from yesterday?" I asked before picking up the fork. "Yeah, a brain will usually last a month depending how much was put in one meal. Now with the two of us a brain might not last a month. But there are plenty of options." Blaine answered. I looked at him before I started to eat. 

"So, what grade are in you? I know you were expelled and all that jazz, but I need to know what grade you are in so I can sign you up for school." Blaine said. I thought about it. "I'm not sure. Last time I was in a school, I was in third grade." I answered before putting another piece of brain into my mouth. 

"Well, I'll see what school is close to here. I'll see if they can do a test to see what grade you need to be in." Blaine replied. I looked at him before I kept on eating. After every bite, I looked out the window. It's been so long since I've lived in a house or a place that I can call a home. Wait, can I even call this home? I mean, is it safe to say that I will stay here with Blaine for the rest of my teenage life. 

"You okay, there kid? You seem lost in thought." Blaine said making me look back at him. I put the last piece of my breakfast into my mouth before nodding my head. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." I said. "Alright, then. Let's get this cleaned up and then we will head out." Blaine said. I nodded my head before I took  one last sip. I pushed the chair out before getting up. 

I grabbed my dirty dishes before carrying them to the sink. "So, I have someone that comes and cleans the house, you all you have to do is put the dishes in the sink and she will take care of it." Blaine said as he put his dishes into the sink. "Right, I'm going to go grab my phone and wallet. I'll wait for you by the main door." Blaine said before he walked out of the kitchen. I took a breath before I put the dishes into the sink. 

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