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*Don E's View*

I looked back at Annabell as I parked in Blaine's driveway. She's fast asleep from all the walking and shopping that the two of us did. I turned the car off before I unbuckled my seat belt. I carefully climbed out of the car before I grabbed six bags. I looked back at Annabell before I walked up to the main door of Blaine's house. I opened the door and walked inside. 

"Blaine!" I yelled seeing where he is. He walked into the room. "Hey, how was it?" He asked with a small smile on his face. I looked at him. "You do know you live with a teenager right," I said. "Yeah, why?" he asked. "You aren't wearing pants," I said. He looked down. "Crap, you're right. I think the yoga teacher was forgetful. You can follow me." Blaine said as he walked up the stairs to the second floor. 

"That is her room. I'll go get some pants on now." Blaine said before he walked to his room. I walked into the room and put the bags down on the floor by the desk so no one will trip o them. I walked out of the room to see Blaine walking back to me. We both walked down the stairs. "Where is she?" Blaine asked as we walked back out to the car. "Fast asleep in the passenger seat. I guess walking around and shopping took a lot out of her." I said. He nodded his head and looked at her when he got close to the car. 

"Let's get the bags inside then I will carry her up to her room," Blaine said. He grabbed a bunch of the bags before walking back to the house. 


*Blaine's View*

Don E took the last of the bags up to Annabell's room as I walked over to the passenger side of the door. I opened the door before unbuckling her seat belt. I carefully picked her up, making sure I did not bang her head on the door or make sure that she was safe in my arms. She put her head on my chest before I carefully closed the door with my foot. I looked to see my neighbors, Juliet and Phillip standing there. 

They both looked at me before they turned around and walked to into their house. I turned around to see Don E standing there. "Do you need help bringing her to her room?" he asked. "No, I got it. But thank you." I said. 

He nodded his head. "See you around man." Don E said before he climbed into this car.  I nodded my head towards him before I made my way to the front door. I carefully balanced Annabell in one of my arms before pulling the door open. I walked inside and over to the couch where I made sure the sheet and blankets were laid out. I knew that her bed wasn't going to be ready for her tonight, so I laid out the sheet and blanket for her. 

I balanced her in one arm before pulling back the blankets. I laided Annabell down on the couch before pulling off the shoes that she was not wearing when we left this morning. I put them down on the floor before pulling the blankets over her. 

Wait, did she even put on shoes before she left the house? I shrugged it off before I made sure that all the lights were off before I made my way up the stairs. 


*Annabell's View*

"Davis!" a guard yelled. I turned around and looked at her. I sighed, I'm getting out of the time out cell, well.....that's what they call it. I just call it soiltairy. The time out cell is just a plain room that no one but you will be in and be around. I walked over to the door. "I hope you have learned your lesson." the guard said as she opened the door. I kept my eyes on her. 

I'm so hungry. I walked out of the room only to see that her head seems to become a turkey. She walked me to the Rec room. When I got in there, I sat down in my seat. I sat there for a little bit before one of the girls who loves getting into fights punched me. 

I fell off my chair. I looked at her before I got up to my feet. I ran up to her and started to punch her. Sure she was older and bigger, but it was so easy to get her down to the ground. I climbed ontop of her before I kept on punching her over and over again until I was pulled off of her. "You bitch!" the girl who attacked me first yelled. 

I lightly jumped as I opened my eyes. I looked around the room that I am in to see that I am laying down on the couch in the living room. I rubbed my eyes before I sat up. I looked around the place only to wonder how I got here. "Hey, look who's finally awake." Blaine's voice said from the kitchen. I turned around and looked at him. He smiled at me. 

"What would you like for breakfast?" Blaine asked as I threw my legs off the side of the couch. "I don't know, what do you have?" I asked as I started to pull on a pair of new shoes that I got yesterday. 

"Well, I make eggs, pancakes, or waffles." Blaine listed as I got up from the couch. "Eggs would be fine." I replied. "Alright, then. I'll start the eggs. How would you like them?" Blaine asked. "Scrambled, please." I said as I started to fold the blankets and sheets again. He walked into the kitchen. Once everything was put into a nice neat stack, I walked into the kitchen. 

"So, do you need any help unpacking your new stuff?" Blaine asked as I saw him putting pieces of brain on the pan with the eggs. 

"No, thanks. I think I can get it done myself." I said. He nodded his head. "So, once you are done eating....I'll call a school to see if they can figure out what grade you should be in." Blaine said as he put the brain and eggs onto a plate. I nodded my head. It has been so long since I have stepped foot in a school. Sure the facility had a school building, but I was never there. 

Blate slide the plate to the other side of the counter before grabbing a fork and doing the same. He put the pan and spacual into the sink before the door opened and closed. I looked at the time on the microwave to see that it was ten. Blaine looked towards the door. "That must be the maid." Blaine said. 

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