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When we got up to the main door, Blaine opened the door. He made sure the door stayed open before I walked inside. He closed the door behind me. "Right, are my neighbor's telling the truth? Did you live over there when you were five?" Blaine asked. I nodded my head before he walked into the house more. I looked around the place as I followed him. 

"Yeah, they are telling the truth. I lived with them when I was five. Then when I was six, I only went into more homes afterwords." I answered. "I wasn't even there for a year." I added before we got into a living room. "You know, I think I remember you now. Didn't you use to wear the same jean jacket that has grey sleeves and a grey hood all the time." he said. 

I put my backpack down before opening up the main pouch. I pulled the jacket out and showed it to him. 

"I mean, the jacket is a little stretched out, covered in grass stains, and has a few holes in it here and there

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"I mean, the jacket is a little stretched out, covered in grass stains, and has a few holes in it here and there....but it's the same jacket." I said. He hummed as he looked at the jacket. "Well, this will be were you are going to stay for tonight, so you can leave your bag here. If you follow me, I can show you what the room looks like before you go shopping tomorrow." Blaine said. I made sure I had the container of brain before I followed him up to the second floor. 

I opened the container with the brain. I looked around the place before I put a piece of brain in my mouth. "This will be your room once everything is put the way you want it to be." Blaine said as we got to one of the rooms. 

I walked into the room. "I know it doesn't look like much know, but that is why you are going shopping tomorrow." he added. I looked around the room to see how plain it all looks. The walls are light grey, the curtains are light grey, and so are the bedsheets.I put the last piece of brain in my mouth. I turned around to see that Blaine was no longer there. I shrugged it off before I walked around the room. 

That's when I saw the bathroom that is connected to the room and the walk in closet that is inside of the bathroom. Someone cleared their throat in the main part of the bedroom. I walked out and looked to see Blaine standing in in the doorway with a stack of clothes. "These are the smallest clothes that I own. So, they will be big on you. If you want to keep those clothes you can put them in the landuray basket." Blaine said as he walked over to me with the clothes. 

"And if I don't want them?" I questioned as he handed them to me. I grabbed them from his hands. "Then you can put them in this bag." Once the clothes were in my hands, he handed me a plastic bag. "Now you go change and do whatever, I have a few calls to make." he said once the bag was in my hands. He nodded his head before he walked out of the room. I looked back at him before I turned around and walked back into the bathroom. I closed and locked the door behind me.

 I slid my rings off my finger and put them on the counter, far away from the sink drain. I made sure that the plastic bag was open. Sure it was hard to find the shirt and the shoes, with very little money and the shoes are custom, but I have had them for a very long time. Every piece of clothing that I have, is stained, old, and filled with holes. 

I slowly started to pull my clothes off. Starting with my shirt. The second my shirt was off, I caught my reflection in the mirror. My skin is all dirty. You can see lines were my shirt used to be. I'm skinner than someone that is my age. Maybe being adopted by Blaine wouldn't be too bad. It does mean I will have free food. 

I put the shirt in the bag before I took off the rest of my clothes. The pants, shoes, underwear, and bra. I made sure the shoes and pants were in the bag before I started to hand wash my underwear and bra, knowing that I would have to wear them again. At least until I get new ones. Once they were clean, I laid them out on the counter to dry and if they are not done drying after my shower, then I will have to find a hair drier. 

I tied the bag with my shirt, pants, and shoes. I turned the fan on before taking my pearl wig off. I put it on the counter by my rings before looking at my reflection again. 

I will never get used to seeing me with white or pearl hair. I sighed before I walked over to the shower which is a tub shower. I climbed in, before closing the sliding glass door. I looked to see that there are shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. 


I yawned as I walked out of the bathroom in Blaine's clothes. I knew they were going to be big on me since they are made for someone who is tall. I didn't feel like putting the wig back on, because one.....my hair is still wet and two..........that wig gets super itchy after a while. I walked down the stairs and into the living room to see Blaine, putting a bedsheet on the couch. 

He stood up and turned around to see me there. "So, you were wearing a wig. Why did you wear a wig? If I am ask." Blaine said as he started to put a pillow on the couch. "The person who turned me told me to wear the wig at all times or he will kill me." I answered. He looked at me before he grabbed a blanket. I guess, I didn't realize what time it was. I looked out the closet window to see that is it pitch dark outside. The only lights that are on are street lights. Some lights from the Larson house are still on. 

"Who turned you?" Blaine asked. I looked at him knowing that he will find out sooner or later. "A guard at the correctional facility. He turned me, gave me the wig, and threatened to kill me if I took the wig off or if I told anyone what he did or what I am." I answered. Blaine looked at me before putting two more blankets on the couch. 

"Well, it's getting late. You should head to head. I'll be in my room if you need anything." Blaine said before he walked out of the living room. He made sure the lights were turned off before he made his way upstairs. I looked around the now dark house. I walked over to the couch. Blaine had moved my backpack onto the floor by the couch along with my jacket, which was once on the couch. I looked around the house before I pulled some of the blankets that Blaine put on the couch back. 

I laid down on the couch before pulling the blankets over my body. I sighed before I put my head down on the pillow. I stared up at the ceiling before my eyes slowly closed. I took shallow breaths as I slowly fell asleep. 

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