The tone in Gulf's voice only worried the dr.


"They're going to pay for what they did to me, every hurting word they uttered, they're going to pay for it."

The doctor shifted in his seat. "Let me share what I think, how about approaching all this with a different mindset. Like you could say, you're not worth it. I'll live my life you live yours?"

"That'd be too comfortable for them. They need to learn otherwise they're just going to selfishly put themselves first. They've been doing it for 6 years. It's time they stop."

"I'm really concerned for you. I've seen you attempt to revenge and the result was not so great."

"Because the results were not so great the first time, they're going to be excellent the next time."

The doctor sighed. Gulf had made up his mind and there was no convincing him otherwise. "I wish you the best in that. I wish you didn't have to do it because happiness really looks good on you."

"I'm doing it to find more happiness."

"Then let's talk about sexuality,"

Gulf smiled.

"Two sessions ago we talked about discovering your sexuality. I suggested you think about other people as candidates for love interest. A nurse comes to check your temperature, check them out secretly and think if you'd see yourself dating them. How did that go?"

"I didn't do that because the nurses are really old."

"So you don't prefer older people?"

"Unlike someone I know, it's just not my cup of tea. That age difference is just uncomfortable."

"Fair enough."

"But I did sit in the hallway during visiting time and I saw people go in and out."

"Even better." The doctor smiled. "How did that go for you?"

Gulf had a fake smile and fake amusement when he said, "Oh I enjoyed myself dr. I was there innocently checking people out the whole hour and yeah it went great."

"Cut the sarcasm Gulf, you were healing."

"I'm proud to tell you that I healed doctor."

"You found your preference?"

"I sure did."

"Care to share?"

Gulf chuckled. "I'll introduce you one day."

"I'll be waiting." The doctor smiled triumphantly. "Alright Gulf this is your last session. I'll ask you a list of questions here so we can clear your therapy attendance."

"Let's do it."

"How are you feeling?"

"Feeling great."

"Do you have any discomfort?"


"How about your wrist?"

"It's all healed up now. Well most of it."

"Do you feel the need to cut your wrist?"


"Your medical doctor will tell you in detail about the effect of the wound on your hand functions. Then we'll move on to the cut on your thigh, how does it feel?"

"It's healing well I heard."

"Nice, And how do you feel about it?"

Gulf looked in space thinking. "I don't regret what I did doctor."

"Why is that?"

"It kept me grounded. My mother kept me grounded. Otherwise I would've regretted it had I chose him."

"Understandable. However, I'm a bit worried that you have that mindset toward self-harming.  It means you'll not hesitate to cut again if you're pushed,"

"They're not worth it."

Dr Vin smiled satisfied, "This marks the end of your therapy sessions. You've done well and I wish you all the best."

"Thanks doctor." Gulf got up and walked to the door.

"One last question,"

Gulf paused holding the door open,

"Are you gay?" The doctor asked.

Gulf smiled and answered,


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