Chapter 5

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Mew sighed and the bar tender eyed him skeptically. He had been sighing all night bringing the poor worker's mood down.

What happened to professionalism? He questioned himself as he left the bar. He couldn't help but feel like he was being judged by the guy.

He was walking, hands in his pockets when suddenly someone bumped into him and he almost fell. He looked back and saw a guy drunk out of his mind. His face indicated there was something wrong with his bowel movement so Mew stepped out of the way as the drunkard staggered looking for a safe place to throw out. He continued walking away unfazed by the encounter but he couldn't help but look back. Far away in a distance he saw what looked like a group of boys dressed in black looking for their next prey. He didn't want to mind so he walked away.

"It's not my business. I have too much on my plate already." He tried to convince himself to just go but he looked back one last time and saw the boy crouch down next to his puke and the group of troublemakers were drawing closer.

Like a softie he was, he turned back and went for the boy. The least he could do was get the boy in a taxi or anywhere away from this place.

He carried him and hailed a taxi. As soon as the passengers window opened, Mew was feeling uneasy yet again. There was a hunk in the driver seat with a lollipop in his mouth and he saw a can of beer right next to him. It looked more dangerous dumping him in the taxi.

The night was not going well for him. He got in and he had the boy next to him. He took the boy to his place because he was wasted.

He let the boy sleep on the couch in his apartment. He placed a bucket next to him so he would puke if needed.

He placed a bottle of water and some hangover pills on the table in case the boy woke up first.

The stranger didn't wake up first.

It was nearing 1pm on Saturday that Mew decided it was enough sleep for the stranger.

"Hello," he said shaking the guy gently.

"Please wake up." He shook him some more and threw in a couple of gentle slaps on his face to get his attention.

The stranger shuffled and yawned. He looked around and realized he was at an unfamiliar location. He sat up panicked and faced Mew with a who are you and what did you do to me look.

"Hi there," Mew greeted gently. You can have this for your headache. He said pointing to the water and pills on the table.

"Who are you?" The stranger asked.

"My name is Mew. You don't remember what happened yesterday?"

The guy shook his head.

"Well you were drunk and you were throwing up outside the club."

"So you take home every drunk guy you see puking at the club?"

"No," Mew chuckled softly. "There seemed to be bad people around you and I thought it was not safe for you to be there drunk like that."

"How do I know you're not one of them?"

"Well considering you're safe and sound and I let you sleep until 1pm in my house, that should be enough to tell you I'm not a bad person."

The boy's eyes looked around surprised it was 1 pm already. 

"Shit, I missed work." He said massaging his temple.

Mew frowned. "You work? On Saturday?"

"Yes I do." He answered looking for his phone. When he found it, it was turned off.

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