Chapter 12

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For a moment everyone stood there and Gulf asked felt like he was watching a drama. He looked back and forth from his father to Mew and to Quensly enjoying the look in their faces.

How were they going to react to each other after the shock? He was curious. Where they going to realize now how they wronged him and ask for forgiveness.

He had seen this moment in his head the first time he saw Mew in the bar when he was hanging out with Chet and Atid. He recognized him and wondered why he was living a good life when his life was miserable. He wondered why he was alive when his mother was six feet under.

He had drank enough and bumped against him intentionally pretending to be drunk. When that didn't work, he stuck his finger down his throat and started throwing up  and luckily that got Mew's compassion. He hadn't known that Mew would take him to his house. The act he put on when he woke convinced Mew. Hell he went as far as paying for his rent just to get all Mew's attention.

At work, he had been sent to HR to get the final round of CVs so the supervisor could see who he wanted to choose. And he had perused through the files. Luck was on his side when  he came face to face with Mew's name. He praised Mew's experience endlessly and that had convinced the supervisor.

Mew got hired.

After that, the hugs and the flirting had swept the man right off his feet. The kisses had made Gulf want to throw up but he had to try. He had to convince him. He had to play the part. And he did well. Because the joy in his heart in that moment was immeasurable. The shock on their faces. He wished he could laugh out loud. The pain that was going to follow and their past that was going to haunt them after this.

He was here to see it. He looked at Donald.

Donald was in shock. What was this boy doing in his house? Why was he here?

His chest constricted.

He had tried to forget about him. He had spent a year trying to recover from Mew's disappearance. He had gone to therapy afraid he was wasting away. His love for the boy was labeled an obsession and unhealthy. He tried to convince the stranger that he knew what love is and that's what they had. He had stopped going to the therapy and Quensly rescued him.

Quesnly watched Mew stand there looking all grown up. He had met Mew uneventfully and the boy had disappeared after that. It had taken him a long time to convince Donald that Mew was gone from his life. That he was there now to fill the void. Seeing Mew again looking like this just didn't feel right.

Quensly remembered when he met Donald the first time, he was drinking his sorrow away and Quensly learned that he had just lost a wife. He comforted him with sex and the next thing you know Donald was drinking his life away, depressed out of his mind because Mew was gone. He didn't notice the transition from mourning to pinning.

The pain of losing Mew was much more stronger than the death of his wife which was strange. So he made Donald go to therapy and his love got labeled as an obsession which to him made sense. He finally managed to convince the man using sex and consistency. They were finally happy but he it was going down the drain tonight.

This was it? Mew thought feeling dumb for not reading the signs. This was the reason why Gulf had been using him. He should've remembered him. He had seen him only once but he should have remembered. He had found Gulf familiar but he just couldn't place him. He failed to connect him to the past he was straying to forget. The past he never wanted to remember. The past that was now was staring him in the face, mocking him for the life decisions he made. He looked at Gulf and saw him smirk. It only confirmed his thoughts. Mew to Gulf was nothing but a tool to his plan of revenge.

"Let's all sit down," Gulf finally said as he pulled a frozen Mew to the dining table. Donald sat down too and Quensly went to get the food.

"Oh let me help you with that," Gulf said standing up to help set the table. The two exs were left on the table and the deafening silence was making them feel awkward as if they were not already. Mew kept on looking down but he could feel Donald's stare piercing through his soul.

After some ups and downs the four of them were now seated. Three of them were picking their food but Gulf was devouring his good as if there's no tomorrow.

"Son," Donald called out, "do you by chance remember 6 years ago?"

"Other than my mother passing away is there something else I ought to remember from six years ago?"

Puzzled by the answer, the father said, "No I mean his face looks so familiar I thought you might have recognized his face."

"He is my boyfriend father." Gulf said rolling his eyes in a duh tone and at the same time reaching out to caress Mew's hand sitting idly on the table. 

Donald couldn't ask directly. The day you m discovered my sexuality, this was the boy I was with. How could he say that after Mew had been introduced as the boyfriend.

"When did you discover you're gay? I thought you hated homosexuals?" He changed his mind.

Gulf squeezed his spoon feeling irked by his father's words. "Isn't sexuality fluid?" Gulf asked looking around looking for confirmation. 

"It is honey," Quensly confirmed.

"Didn't know you were going to end up as one. Especially after throwing tantrums." His father justified his questions.

"I mean if you can sleep with a woman and have a child then you wake up the following morning and you're kissing boys. Doesn't even matter how young then I can turn gay too. Isn't that the concept?" Gulf questioned.

Mew dropped his spoon loudly feeling attacked. Donald just glared at Gulf but Gulf continued, "

In my case though I didn't have any females involved. I just hated the idea then one day I was like you know what? I can be gay too and have a boyfriend. It doesn't matter who."

Everyone on the table knew Gulf was playing with their minds but no one called him out for it. They suffered silently as he acted out. Pretending as if he didn't know what was going on. 

"So when did you two meet?" Quensly asked trying to ease the atmosphere.

"Should I tell them babe?" Gulf asked Mew with a smile and the latter raised an eyebrow at the endearment. Mew nodded with a plastic smile.

"Fate really brought us together. The first time we met, we were at the same bar I think, I got drunk and like an angel he is, he took me to his house. Gave me a place to sleep, a shower, clothes and food. I paid for his rent then after a week or so, I'm being introduced to p'Mew at my part time work."

Mew thought again and the coincidences just seemed off now that it was mentioned out loud. It was just too ridiculous to paint it as coincidence.  From the very beginning it had all been planned. Gulf was suddenly in his face, "oh you have something right here," he said wiping the corner of Mew's mouth and sticking the finger in his mouth. Again.

Donald got up and left the table.

Quensly followed him.

Mew turned to Gulf, his patience now gone,  and finally said,

"Ok do you want to talk now?"

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