Chapter 29

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Mew was just about to start working Monday morning when Donald came in the open office and as soon as Mew saw him he got up surprised.

"Phi," he approached the man.

"If you don't want me to make a show let's go outside right now." Donald insisted with no trace of smile on his face.

Mew led the man outside to the back of the building for some privacy.

"Phi what are you doing here?" He asked as soon as they were alone.

"I told you to stay away." Donald started.

"I did!" Mew lied.

"You came to see him though."

Mew looked confused. How did he know?

"Did he tell you?"

"He cut again after you left. This time he damaged his thigh. I clearly told you because I knew this would happen."

"Phi I love him."

"That boy is not gay and we both know it. He is trying to convince himself that he is and he is failing at it. Even if he becomes gay, you guys will  never work out, how do you want me tell  you it'll never work. "

"You and I were like that too in the beginning but it worked. We were impossible but we made it work."

"The fact that you can refer to our story is the very reason you guys will never work out. You're going to end up comparing him to me and that's not fair to him."

"I'll wait for him until he's sure. I'll make it up to him."

"What about me?" Donald stepped forward.

"HuH?" Mew was stupefied.

"Can't you make it up to me too? You just disappeared on me."

"You cheated on me." mew accused.

"It was a drunken mistake." Donald defended.

"A mistake? You live with him now." Mew reminded.

"Because you were not there."


Donald stepped forward. "I miss you."

"Phi don't do this please." Mew balled his fists for self control. The respect he had for the man went with the wind that blew in that moment.

Donald held Mew's waist. "I miss us." He said with a squeeze on Mew's sides.

Mew fluttered.

"Don't you miss me? How I made you feel? How I treated you?" Donald breathed on Mew's face.

Mew fluttered some more.

Donald seduced Mew and Mew got seduced. This man was his first love so how could he dismiss it? The feeling of heaven they shared. The feeling of being wanted.

Mew's eyes fluttered shut as Donald moved closer.

"Phi," he whispered sexily as if admitting that you got me.

"Say that you want me," Donald whispered caressing Mew's neck.

They were here seducing each other whilst Gulf was still in the hospital but that didn't stop them.

Donald pushed Mew until he was leaning against the wall.

"Will you take me back?" Donald asked playing dangerously close to Mew's lips.

"Nong?" He called when he heard no response.

"Ok then," he stepped away and Mew was pulling him towards himself. As soon as Donald was against him, Mew went for a kiss but Donald looked away managing to dodge the kiss last second. Mew's lips landed on Donald's cheeks.

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