I nodded, heading out of the caverns and to this outside spring, collecting some water in one of my bottle and taking back to the frog beast and dumping the water onto its tongue. The flames extinguished and Gorko gasped looking at me. "Hey, the flames are out! Now we can get through here." He ran through the arch and I followed through behind him but unfortunately our path was yet again blocked by another row of flames. "More flames..... This is starting to burn me up.... Hate to ask you this, bud, but could you do the fire-extinguisher routine again?" I nodded, heading back to get more water and after I got back I noticed I wouldn't get up to the frog's tongue on foot. But I did see an area I could get up to with my clawshots up to an area above the the frog where I could dump the water onto its tongue which once again extinguished the flames.

Gorko cheered and looked up at me. "Hey! Nice work, bud. Now we are getting somewhere!" He ran through the arch and I followed rolling my eyes. I walked down a set of stairs and across a bridge to see..... yet another row of flames. Of course. I sighed in exhaustion, don't tell me this was going to go on to the next flame. "Do you see this, bud? Talk about intriguing! We are definitely off the map here. This does not feel like Goddess Cube stuff! I bet there is something super important hidden around here! All I can say is that is a big frog with a big thirst. I do not think the amount of water one of your little bottles can hold is going to cut it this time. Hmmm....You will have to have a big container to hold the water needed for this job. Got anything like that? And speaking of which, where are you going to get all the water? I gotta say, I am pretty much stumped."

I thought to myself, that as a matter of fact, the container that the Water Dragon was in is pretty big. I'm sure I could get that stupid robot to bring it here. Fi told me what I literally just thought to myself which was a little stupid but not unlike her. I traveled back to Lake Floria with the nearest bird statue with plan in mind, I walked into the Water Dragon's hall. I don't particularly enjoy the Water Dragon's company but it will have to do just now. "Ah, it's you. Tell me, are you mastering the power that dwells within your sword?" I chuckled forcefully before speaking. "Well, I was wondering if I could borrow that basin please?" "Oh? You wish to borrow my water basin? Hmm.... Very well. I have recovered, and I have no intention of having to soak in it again soon! Begone with it. It is yours to use as you please." Fi popper out as the Water Dragon finished speaking.

"To transport the Water Dragon's basin to the volcano, you will need to enlist the service of that transport robot. Shall I send word to him?" I groaned. "Not that guy.....you know I don't really like him Fi, he's rude and insulting." Fi gave a glance as to ask why I was being so irritating. "Master.... unless you plan to carry the tub on your back, now is not the time to be picky about who will help you. I will call for the robot." I rolled my eyes and sighed. Worth a try but I guess she had a point. Soon Scrapper the stupid came down into the hall and turned to Fi. "Mistress Fi, bzzzt! My deep apologies for keeping you waiting!" He turned to the basin. "Let's see here.... This cargo looks very heavy, but it's well within my payload tolerances, bzzrrt!" Scapper the stupid turned to me. "Master Shortpants! Watch carefully while I demonstrate what a real hero looks like, bzzzzat!" I rolled my eyes as he picked up the basin and turned to us.

"As usual, vrrrt, I shall await you in the skies above." He flew out of the hall and I exited too with Fi with the Water Dragon requesting that I return the basin once finished with it. As we got into the sky, I entered Eldin at the entrance of the volcano, what the hell?! Scapper come down beside me with the basin. "What's going on, brzzt? I almost blew a rotor trying to slow myself during that descent, zrbt.... Anyway, this is where you wanted the water, right?" I scoffed. "No! I wanted to the cavern at the summit of the volcano. You were in my way of landing." "WHAT?! THE SUMMIT? Why didn't you say that from the start, bzzrrt? I don't want to carry this back to sky. IT'S HEAVY, BRZZZT!" I rolled my eyes, and didn't even bother to snark a reply as he continued to complain.

"This place is, zrrrt, swarming with monsters. Vrrrrrm..... I bust up enemies like a junkyard wrecker, zzizat! Too bad I've got my mitts full with this basin, bzzz... Hey, Master Shortpants! Since we came all this way, let's play a little game called 'protect the robot,' bzzrrt! Here's how it works-- I'll follow you up the volcano, zzzrt, and you make sure nothing touches me. Got it? Good! Your job is simple, zzrrt! You make sure none of these monsters lays a claw on me. NOT... ONE... CLAW!" I rolled my eyes again, great, I get to protect this guy from monster now.



After a painful escort all the way to the Summit, Scapper the stupid and I finally made it to the big frog and he flew up to the frog's mouth with the large basin of water. "You want me to pour the water on this? No problem, zzzbrt!" He dumped the basin of water and extinguished the flames completely, clearing the way into the next temple. Fi popped out as the Scrapper came back down. "Did you see that, Mistress Fi? If there's anything else I can do to be of assistance, zzzzrp, just call me! Anytime, zzrbtzz!" He flew off back to Skyloft and Gorko who was standing amazed turned to me. "You are something else, bud! There is nothing you cannot do! You go ahead on in! You have earned the right to blaze this trail." Gorko smiled at me as I nodded beginning to enter the temple.

The Red Thread of Fate (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now