Cucumber brother Shen! Please help me !

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It was 2:45 a.m., and I had just finished reading the last book and the extras of "Heaven Official's Blessing" by MXTX. The ending was happy, but it left a bittersweet emptiness within me. I wished the story could continue indefinitely, but I knew that all banquets had their end, and prolonged tales could eventually become tiresome. Despite the satisfying conclusion, my heart felt incomplete after devouring the entire book in just four days, sacrificing sleep.

My mind pondered over the fact that MXTX never revealed Hua Cheng's verbal password. This small detail had somehow taken root in my heart, and I was almost consumed by the curiosity. It felt like an itch I couldn't scratch. Part of me fantasized about meeting Hua Cheng in some otherworldly realm to ask him directly. But these were just idle dreams, and I knew I had to find solace in the reality of the story.

As my thoughts swirled, I found myself talking to the characters in my mind. "Oh, Brother Shen! Could you help me transmigrate, please?"

Humor mingled with my desperation, my mind flirting with the idea of escaping reality and entering the story's world. I half-jokingly pleaded, "Oh God, Oh Hualian! Can I meet you both? And Wangxian too? But maybe I should visit Hualian first. Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe, please don't be offended. I love you both too, but the allure of Ghost City is hard to resist. Ghosts seem better than the ego-filled humans on Earth."

Amidst my whimsical fantasies, I decided to give the ritual from the story a try. "Recite the Ethics a thousand times?" I mused. "Though I'm not sure which ethics or what they're based on... Maybe it doesn't matter."

The clock showed 3:15 a.m. by the time I thought about going to sleep, realizing that it was a Sunday with no need for an alarm. Eventually, I drifted off, unaware of the world around me.Suddenly, my sleep was disrupted by violent tremors, shaking my bed and rousing me to a state of confusion. Earthquake? I wasn't sure. I felt the vibrations even in my drowsy state.Hours later – or maybe just a few moments – I awoke, feeling warmth and realizing I was clad in luxurious robes. My eyes adjusted to the surroundings, and I began to take stock of where I was. "Could it be? Did my silly words from last night somehow come true? Transmigration?"I surveyed the unfamiliar room, my gaze landing on a woman in black robes observing me. Panic surged as I realized someone was watching me. "Ling Wen?" I exclaimed, recognizing her from the story.

Her smile confirmed my guess. "You're awake! Congratulations on becoming a new Heavenly Official. I'll help you get acquainted with the gods and navigate the heavenly court. But why are you staring at me like that?"

I was dumbfounded, breathless from the realization. "You're... Ling Wen!"

She chuckled. "Ah, you recognized me quickly. Not something I expected. Rest well. When you're ready, we can meet the Heavenly Emperor. He's waiting to assign you your tasks."

My mind raced with confusion. My thoughts ran wild, wondering if I had my own annoying Scumbag System, or if Ling Wen would play that role. An eerie chill crept down my spine.

"Qin Xiuying? Are you listening?" Ling Wen's voice brought me back.

"Huh? Yes... No. I mean, I didn't catch that. Can you repeat?"

Ling Wen obliged. "Of course. Your sudden ascension might feel strange. Take your time to adjust. We're going to meet the Heavenly Emperor. He's eager to see you."My mind raced, and then it clicked. "Wait, you mean... Jun Wu?!"

The reality I found myself in was beyond my wildest dreams – a fusion of fiction and reality, where MXTX's world and my own intertwined in the most unexpected way.

Wait what!? I got transmigrated into Tgcf !!! ( Fan Fiction )Where stories live. Discover now