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The ruling House of the North and the second richest House of Westeros, second only to House Lannister. While the wealth of Westerlands come from their gold mines and the Reach from their fertile Lands, the wealth of House Stark and North comes from raw untapped resources such as coal, iron, and timber, that has not been properly utilised before the rule of Torrhen Stark.


Eddard Stark - Patriarch of House Stark and Lord of Winterfell, and Warden Of The North.

Catelyn Stark/Stark - Wife of Eddard Stark and Lady of Winterfell.

Robert Hosten Stark (Robb Stark) - Eldest Son of Eddard Stark and Heir to Winterfell.

Jon Snow - Bastard Son of Eddard Stark and Lady Ashara Dayne.

Sansa Stark - Eldest  daughter of Eddard Stark and elder twin sister of Arya Stark.

Arya Stark- Youngest (by few seconds) daughter of Eddard Stark and younger twin sister of Sansa Stark.

Brandon Stark (Bran Stark) - Second youngest Son of Eddard Stark.

Rickon Stark - Youngest Son of Eddard Stark.



A cadet branch of House Stark, founded by Benjen Whitestark, younger brother of the lord of Winterfell Eddard Stark. House Whitestark is one of the most important houses in the North as it guarded the entrance of the Winter Kingdom.


Benjen Whitestark - Patriarch of House Whitestark, Lord of Moat Cailin and Shield Of The North.

Alysane Whitestark/Mormont-  Wife of Benjen Whitestark, and Lady of Moat Cailin.

Edwyle Whitestark - Son of Benjen Whitestark and Heir To Moat Cailin.

Lyanna Whitestark - Daughter of Benjen Whitestark.


Another cadet branch of House Stark founded by Beron Seastark, cousin of Cregan Stark. The Wolf's Den, the castle of House Seastark was given to Beron by Cregan as a reward for his loyalty to him.


Cregan Seastark- Patriarch of House Seastark, Lord of Wolf's Den and Grand Admiral of Northern Fleet.

Bethany Seastark/Glover- Wife of Cregan Seastark and Lady of Wolf's Den.

Wulfric Seastark -  Son of Cregan Seastark, and heir to Wolf's Den.

Melissa Seastark - Daughter of Cregan Seastark.


House Karstark of Karhold is a old and noble house in the North. The House is founded by Karlon Stark, who was given his for his Loyalty during the second Bolton Rebellion.


Richard Karstark - Patriarch of House Karstark and Lord of Karhold.

Harrion Karstark - Eldest son of Richard and Heir to House Karstark.

Eddard Karstark - Second son of Richard Karstark.

Torrhen Katstark - Youngest Son of Richard Karstark.

Alys Karstark - Daughter of Richard Karstark.



And Done!
This was the last chapter of this story, well not a chapter but some basic information about House Stark.
So be prepared for my Next story of this series, which will be coming soon.

Enjoy and don't forget to leave a comment because always remember reviews are food for a writer's soul.

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