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While the North prospered and reached its economical height under the rule of Torrhen Stark and I then under his son Brandon Stark. Nobody could deny that it was under the rule of Lord Cregan Stark that the North reached its true Military potential.

Cregan Stark, also known as the wild wolf of Winterfell in the south, took the title of lord of Winterfell and warden of the North at the age of 13 when his lord father, Rickon Stark mysteriously passed away due to a certain illness.

During his minority his uncle, Bennard ruled the north as regent. When Cregan turned 15 and came of age in 120 AC, Bennard was slow to surrender his powers. Relations between Cregan and his uncle grew strained as the young lord of Winterfell chafed under the limits imposed on him.

Finally in 121 AC, Cregan rose up against his uncle and imprisoned him and his three sons, taking the rule of the north in his own hands.

It was later discovered that Cregan's father Rickon Stark didn't die from illness but he was poisoned by his Uncle Bennard, whose whole plan was to remove Rickon and and his two sons Cregan and Harrion from power, so he can install himself as the new Lord of Winterfell with his eldest son as heir.

Cregan immediately ordered the execution of his uncle in charge of Kinslaying and his sons, Cregan's cousins, to take the Black and become members of the infamous Night's Watch who manned the Great Ice Wall in the North and protects the North and the Realm of men from Wildling raiders who live North of the Great Wall and frequently raided villages to pillage livestock and steal daughters of both the lords and farmers.

But Bennard escaped from the prison along with his two eldest sons before the execution can take place. It was later discovered that a servant under the service of Bennard helped him and his two eldest sons to escape the dungeons of Winterfell's.

Bennard's youngest son Beron, whom his father left behind, was angry that his father had abandoned him at his cousin's mercy. He quickly bended the knee to Cregan and swore eternal service to him, if Cregan will let him live.

Cregan let Beron live after he saw that he had no part in his father's schemes in usurping him from his birthright. He took him in his service but he also warned Beron that if he found out even a single hint of treachery or proof that he will betray him then he will take Beron's head himself.

A moon after his uncle's escape, Cregan found out that his uncle Bennard and two of his sons had gone to Barrowlands, where with the help of House Dustin, the gouse in which his Uncle had married into, and Whitehills and Rsywells had assembled an army of 7000 and we're now currently marching to Winterfell.

Knowing that while Winter City's Grey cloaks (the Northern equivalent of the Red Cloaks of Lannisport and Gold Cloaks of Kings Landing) can easily resist an army double its number, but nothing was stopping the rebel army to sow chaos and destruction in the surrounding lands. And knowing that the he cannot let this act go unpunished, Cregan assembled his own army to meet his uncle in the battlefield.

With such short of time Cregan faced a serious challenge to gather an army strong enough to oppose his uncle, and while the Winter Roads helped the gathering of the army easier the roads also helped the enemy army to cross the vast distance of land between the Barrowland and Winterfell in short amount of time.

Even with the reinforcements from the Tallharts and Cerwyns, Cregan's army remained under strength, only 5000 men had assembled to fight for their true liege lord.

Many had believed that the battle will be an easy victory for Bennard's forces, as his army not only outnumbered Cregan but was also commanded by experienced leaders.

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