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The days went by with Yibo and Zhan falling back to their normal and busy life. Where Zhan and Wenhan got busy with the arrangements Mr. Wu's fashion runway project. Seungyoun and Yibo were also busy with their designs and models. With Ming and Miao, their interns, they were able to pull most of their work but they still lacked a model who would walk the ramp.

        "How are we going to complete this?" Seungyoun threw the pencil he held and groaned in frustation.

        "I told you, it is soon for us but no you wanted us to participate. Now look. We don't have a model Youn, what we are gonna do?"

        "Sir, should I suggest something?" Mung said and both Seungyoun and Yibo sat straight as to what Ming has in his mind.

        "Yes please. Go on."

        "For female models, you can ask Meng Shijie. She is beautiful and herself is a designer. She might know things."

        "He is right Yibo. Can you ask Ziyi jie?"

        "Well, I can try. I don't know if she would agree. Being beautiful and being a model are two different things. There is height, walk, figure, everything has to be taken into consideration." Yibo slumped back on the chair and sighed.

        "Atleast contact her. Ask if she knows any model or is in contact with few." Yibo nodded and took out his phone. He texted Ziyi and kept back.

        "I have texted her to call me when she is free. Arghh. We have to present six designs, only four are completed."

        "Sir, what about male model?" Miao said concerned.

        "I don't know." Yibo said and massaged his temples.

                    On the other hand, Zhan and Wenhan had rented a huge auditorium to organise the ramp. While Wenhan was busy with the divisions for the models of the partcipants, Zhan had taken over the look and fittings of the ramp. The lights, cameras, everything. Zhan had been ordering men to work here and there and a lot of chaos was already there but still the work was however managed. It has been a month of Yibo and Zhan to be in a relationship but neither of them got time to spent together. They only get night time where Wenhan would join Seungyoun in Yibo's apartment and Yibo would joun Zhan in Zhan's condo for dinner whenever they get time to have dinner. Living as neighbours still provided them to see each other but a proper date is what Zhan has in his mind too.

He hasn't took Yibo on a date. They have not spent a wonderful time together. A romantic time and he needs to provide everything a relatioonship ha sto offer to Yibo. Its Yibo's first relationshio and he needs to make him feel what it feels to have a boyfriend. To have a lover.

        "Where are you so lost?" Wenhan asked.

        "Haven't got the time to take Yibo out on a date." Zhan replied non-chanlantly.


        "Hey you don't need to be loud though."

        "But Zhan, I even did it with Youn and you haven'y even asked Yibo for a date? You are unbelievable brother." Zhan's flushed as his eyes widen.

        "You already did it!"

        "Yes! Well you see we are hot blooded youths. We have our demands."

        "Really!" Zhan said with a small voice. He was lacking so much behind.

        "Don't tell me you are a virgin!" Wenhan exclaimed in disbelieved and his mouth hung when Zhan nodded.

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