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"Zhan-ge. I know its you." Yibo said as he saw someone hiding behind a big bouquet of flowers.

" Yibo said as he saw someone hiding behind a big bouquet of flowers

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"Hard luck A-Bo but it is your parents." Mrs. Wang showed up with smiling Mr. Wang.

"Maa, Dad" Yibo politely said and hugged his mother who whispered alot of good wishes to him.

"We are very proud of you Yibo. Heartiest Congratulations my child." Mr. Wang said and huggedHim which he gladly return.

"Were you expecting Zhan right now? Isn't he here? He is always there!" Mrs. Wang said while Yibo gave her a sad smile.

"May be mom but he is on a date so I don't think he will come. Why don't you join us at lunch you might have rushed here for me." Yibo said.

"Ofcourse, it was your dad who said that we should celebrate today. He even ordered food so lets gey inside quickly and settle down." Mrs. Wang said and all three got inside and celebrated Yibo's success with the rest of people. It was a bliss for Yibo to watch his family being this happy and he was somewhat glad that he was the reason for it. This would have been better if his gege would have joined but he was contended with his happy family. For now it is his dream to make his family proud. His heart can wait.

Evening dawned and the Meng twins took their leave. Yibo noticed alot more of chemistry between Fanxing and Yubin for which he was glad. They decided not to tell their parents untill they are sure of their relationship and Yibo accepted that because he understood the seriousness of it. Yibo was in his room filling his form for dorm and canteen facilities in the hostel for the exchange program when he felt someone on his back. He quietly stood up went up to the door when he was engulfed in a hug.

"Congrats my Bo-di" Yibo stilled as Zhan whispered.

"Zhan-ge!" Yibo whispered back.

"Aiyaaa I knew it. I already told you that you would pass. And see I brought this for you." Zhan said as he reveal a small bouquet of yellow roses. Yibo smiled and accepted the gift sniffing the rose.

 Yibo smiled and accepted the gift sniffing the rose

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Lost & Found [ZhanYi]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang