Grabbing a cart we headed straight for the snacks. Thirty minutes later we had cart full of just about every snack you could thing of. Checking out our total came up to be $255.73 all on junk food. The old lady behind the counter said something about not eating too much and told us to have a great day.

Making our way to the parking lot I pushed Marie on the cart as we went to my parked car. What I saw almost gave me a heart attack.

There was this guy leaned up against my car trying to hit on girls! Handing Marie the keys I stomped my way to him like a mad woman and I grabbed him by his shirt with one hand and by the ear with the other hand.
"What is wrong with you? Do you have 1.2 million dollars to buy me a new car?" I yell in his face. He looked sacred as hell. Dropping him I let him go.
"Get the heck away from here! You don't put your butt on people's cars what's wrongs with you? Ughhh!"
Little did I know the paparazzi was still there hidden recording and taking photos of the whole thing. While I had jacked the guy up Marie had put all the stuff in the car but of corse after recording me!

It was the weekend, stepping out of the shower I dialed Marie.
"Yes?" She answered half sleep.
"Get up Jacobs coming to get you we have a long weekend a head of us. SHOPPING!" I said knowing that would wake her up.
"Okay I'm just gonna go shower and I'm bring and suitcase with only my essentials." She said already know we were about to shop like maniacs.
We were headed to none other than New York.
"Hold up let me call Kenzie."
"Hey good Docta, where are you?" Marie asked.
"In the car with Jacob I just landed five minutes ago." She said.
"Oh okay then tell him to get Marie then me." I said.
"Okay!" Kenzie said.
"Yeah bye." I said hanging up on them answering Chances FaceTime call.
"There's my beautiful Queen!" He said smiling from ear to ear.
"Hello my handsome King." I replied smiling like a fool.
"You missing daddy still?" He asked and he brushed his hair.
"Yes, is Daddy still missing me?" I said as I slipped on some yoga shorts and a sports bra.
"Yes he does!" He half yelled checking out my body, causing me to giggle.
"What are you up too?" I asked.
"About to go see my parents and then my sister and her big belly found out she was having twins." He said placing on his sunglasses.
"Cool and you look sexy with those on." I say licking my lips.
"Thank you baby. Hey Sage is calling me yet again why you have to steal Kenzie? I'll call you right back."
"Okay I love you."
"I love you more!" He yelled still cheesing at me.
"Answer the phone!" I said laughing.
"Too late he hung up." He said shrugging his shoulders. Laughing I just stared at him.
"Welp he's calling again," he said laughing while adding "bye baby."
Waving bye bye I hung up and went to dig out something to wear. For the flight and comfortable enough to shop in, but still cute. I picked out a navy blue and white baseball jersey with some grey joggers and my Jordan's to match with some gold accessories and my huge Louis Vuitton handbag. For the flight and for shopping I decided to pack a extra outfit or two just incase the girls wanted to change. What, who says a business woman can't dress down? I was all packed to go and I went down stairs to grab something to eat. Just as I finished eating Jacob walked in with two noisy chick chatting away behind him.
"Thank you Jacob." I said to him as he disappeared to go get my luggage I'm sure with the reply of "No problem ma'am."
When they noticed me they both screamed my name and ran over to me.
Smiling I hugged them back as were being goofy kissing me all over my face. I'm glad I didn't put on any makeup.
"Y'all look cute," I said once they let me go and stepped back.
Ma'Kenzie was dressed in some cute leggings and a white high low top with so all white high top Air Force ones and sliver accessories. India was dressed in some acid washed high waisted jeans and a black V-neck with some cute KDs.
"No bae you look good!" Kenzie said looking me up and down.
"Thanks sweetie!" I say spinning in a circle.
"She ain't say do all that now." Marie said laughing.
"Oh shut up India!" I said with a serious face that I could muster up. Which caused her eyes to go wide before she said "oooo!"
Laughing we all walked out to my all white hummer and got it while waiting on Jacob.
"Morning Ladies." Tom says from the driver seat.
"Morning!" we all greeted him.
"So how are things with Sage?" I ask wiggling my eye brows at her which caused her to turn bright red.
"Amazing, I think I'm gone propose to him and let him have my babies!" she shouts before she burst out laughing.
"Girl you are a fool!" Marie said cracking up.
"Wait not have your babies!" I giggle trying to catch my breath, just as Jacob enters the car.
"I don't even wanna know..." He says to Tom who was trying to stay professional and not laugh.
"Yes you do Jay it's so funny!" Marie says then repeats Ma'Kenzie making everyone fall out laughing again even Tom this time.

3 hours later...

"Wake up Kerstin!"
"Ker Bear..."
"I got food..."
"Chance is here!" My eyes snapped open so quick and I jumped up. Well tried to jump up only to be restrained by my seat belt. Looking around quickly I searched for his handsome face. After a quick scan I frowned at two giggling idiots. SO NOT FUNNY! You don't play with a girls emotions like that when she's be deprived of seeing her man for thirty five whole days! Thirty flipping five days and counting. Those two are getting the silent treatment!
"Flight attendances please prepare for landing." I heard the pilot say over the intercom. Pulling out my phone I texted Chance.

Hello baby we are landing. I love you.😘 Send me a picture😜

I love you more Queen, that's great and what kind of picture? With that ➡️😜 emoji I'm guessing something naughty?! Your not aloud to be naughty without daddy! 😤

I'm a grown woman Mr. & 😅😅some thing to put as my wallpaper👍

Well then okay just a second sexy lady.

"Oh my god I'm gone kick his ass!" I yell out scaring the heck out of the two dummies who had been calling me for the last five minutes. Serves them right! My face was warm signaling that it must be redder than fresh strawberries. Going on about my I texted Mr. Nasty back.

😱😱😱😱 CHANCE JAVON ROGERS! Your so naughty stop sending me full body nudes!
Cliff hanger? Lol there's more but I just wanted to give your guys a sneak peek of what's to come!!!! 😋😋
I have been very busy, step dads in the hospital and I'm ready to go back to my new California home, but sometimes things don't go as planned. Sorry for the wait!

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