Unlikly findings

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                       3rd person POV

Harry had been running for over an hour and he was just now starting to wear down he wasn't going to stop though because if he stopped he would have to go back and talk to his friends that surely thought he was a freak.

He continued to think and run, not knowing where he was going just letting his legs subconsciously move. He soon snapped out of his thoughts when a familiar sent that he hadn't smelled since he left the Dursleys. He recognized it almost immediately. It was Rue! She was near by. Harry followed his nose trying to determine where she was. He soon was in a very familiar area in the woods. As he got closer Harry smelled that it wasn't just Rue but two of her siblings. He still couldn't see them but now heard Rue's songs and he sisters' laughter. He knew it hadn't been that long since he last saw Rue and her family but with everything that'd been going on it felt like a life time.

Rue soon came into sight howling to get her attention Harry raced over jumping on her gently not to hurt her. Rue was still skinny but she seemed to have gained at least some much needed weight, same with her siblings. He forgot all his problems and worries too happy to think of anything but how much he missed her. He didn't even realize when Remus and Sirius came bonding over confusion written on the wolf faces. Harry was too excited to even change back so he just continued to jump around licking Rue, and two of her siblings. Their names were Rose and Violet. (I don't know what their real names are so just go with it please) They all happily laughed and pat Harry as he jumped up to lick each of them.

Remus and Sirius sat back, still in wolf form, confused not knowing who these people were or how Harry knew them. So they sat back and waiting as patiently as they could with so many questions.

Soon Harry calmed down enough to turn back and only then did he remember Remus and Sirius. He turned around looking for them only to find them sitting and watching the interaction between the kids. They too turned back seeking answers to their many questions.

"This is Rue. Rue you remember me telling you about my godfathers?" Harry asked after a few seconds of them just standing there silence.

"Nice to meet you." Rue said politely still in shock from seeing Harry.

"Nice to meet you too." Remus replied while Sirius nodded in response.

"How come you never told us about her?" Sirius questioned curiously.

"Well she's a muggle and when I go to the wizarding world I tend not to talk about the muggle world. It's not the best most of the time for me." Harry explained a little uncomfortably at the end.

Both adults nodded in understanding.

Rue couldn't hold herself back anymore and jumped on Harry hugging him having missed him not having anyone but her family to talk to since he left.

The two adults watched with amusement as they watched the two friends hug, they looked at each other before turning around and walking back from where they came knowing the two friends would like to be able to reacquaint alone without their questions. They knew with all the stress Harry has had in the last few days he needed a break and his friends was the best way, even if they didn't know her.

"Harry where have you been? I haven't seen you in a week I thought your uncle finally went to far. Are you ok. Did I hurt you?" Rue questioned frantically.

"Rue. Rue . It's fine. I'm fine." Harry reassured her.

"That's what you always say. Tell me where you've been." Rue said hitting him on the arm as her two sisters came up and hugged Harry almost nocking him over.

"Ok I'll explain but we'll be here for a while." Harry said picking up both Rose and Violet and let them climb on his back as he climbed his favorite tree and sat down on a sturdy branch, setting down the children next to him making sure they were balanced before turning back to Rue who had followed him up. He soon started explaining the long complicated story finally seeing his best friend that knew it all.

Hey people hope you enjoyed this part and make sure to vote and comment on what you like and how I can improve I love to here what you think. Sorry if they're not the best but I'm trying. As always I love you bye 😘

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