Sleep, freakout, and questions

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Once they get back

They were back, Arthur came rushing into the room, to see four very tired, dirt covered adults and one kid who was either asleep or passed out in Sirius's arms. Looking worse than all four adults put together.

"What happened?" Worry evident in his voice.

"We had to chase him down after we found him. We ended up having to tranquilize him." Remus said while guiding Sirius to lay Harry on a couch in one of the many living rooms.

"How are the kids." Molly asked Arthur having not seen them all day.

"They're fine. Just wondering where all of you went." Arthur reassured his wife.

"Guys I think we should call Madam Pomphry." (or how ever you spell her name if you don't know who I'm talking about it's the nurse at hogwarts).

"Why is something wrong?" Molly asked worriedly.

"Well when I was carrying him he seemed too light like he had been starved," Sirius said "and who knows how long he was out there something could have injured him."

"How about this. You go and get some rest and in the morning we call her and see what she says." Arthur said.

All of them wanted wanted to argue but knew that they were to tired to do anything about it. So they just nodded and dragged their feet up the stairs and into their respective bedrooms. Falling asleep as soon as their heads hit their pillows.

            Time skip to the morning

It was 8 in the morning when they heard a scream from down stairs. Everyone ran downstairs even the kids who were usually heavy sleepers. They all rushed down somehow not tripping and falling over each other.

They reached the place where the source of the noise was coming from and saw Harry thrashing around on the couch seeming to be having a nightmare.

Coming out of his shock first Remus ran over Sirius right behind him and started to shake Harry awake. He continued to thrash around not waking up as Remus and Sirius desperately tried to wake him. Harry's veins started to turn black. This wasn't good. They couldn't have Harry wolfing out right now.

While Sirius continued to try and wake his godson, Remus went to Molly and told her to take the kids and make breakfast. Molly only nodded in response ushering her children out of the room along with Hermione. Once they were out Remus went back to the still thrashing Harry and using his werewolf side he whispered in Harry's ear, wake up came a low voice that he only use in emergencies. It worked almost immediately Harry shot up. Veins black and eyes yellow. He was freaking out anyone could tell. Now how to calm him down was the question.

                         Harry's POV

I woke up to a wolf whisper in my ear. I had just had another nightmare about the graveyard and I was disoriented. I was freaking out, what do I do. Where am I. I felt a hand on my shoulder and tried to bite it. My eyes were open but I was to disoriented to know where I was or who I was there with.

"Harry I need you to calm down." Came a familiar voice.

I was being pushed back down onto a couch.

"Harry it's Remus I need you to calm down so you don't wolf out." Remus said calmly but firmly.

After a few minutes I started to become more aware of my surroundings. Remus and Sirius were the only ones in the room. I was in a living room of a place that wasn't familiar at all so I had never been here good to know.

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