15. The Plan

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"How about I propose him?"

"That's a good idea." "That's a lame idea." Tabassum and Wais said in Unison. Arsala couldn't guess who said what.

"Are you Insane? He is Our City leader. If he doesn't like you then he'll grab his gun and BAMMM. You are dead."

"But what if he likes her and grabs a rose and BAMMMM. You'll be in a relationship." Wais imitated Jannet.

"Stop imitating me."

"Stop irritating me."

"Will you guys stop it. I need an idea not a bunch of Bullshits." Arsala said.

Arsala, Jannet, Tabassum and Wais were hanging out together. Arsala want some idea to impress Aslan. No one was at home except her. So, she planned their hangout at Arsala's home.

"You should tell him your feelings but don't do the whole proposal thing. It's too romantic." Tabassum said.

"But I want it to be romantic." Arsala whined.

"Remember that you guys are Haram" Jannet and Wais said at the same time.

"Why do you guys say the same thing all the time.? Wait a minute. Are you guys a thing?" Arsala asked wiggling her eyebrows.


"Gross" they both spoke at the same time.

"No, we aren't and never will be a thing. Ever." Jannet said.

"Exactly." Wais agreed.

"Okay. Back to the topic. I want him to know my feelings. But you guys said 'NO' to romance. So, all I can do is just tell him straightforwardly." Arsala decided.

"When?" Tabassum asked.

"It's Friday today. So, How about next friday? Bcoz I love fridays. What say?"

"Perfect." Wais and Jannet said at unison again.

"Don't imitate me."

"Don't irritate me" Wais said in a girly voice.

RINGGGGG... A phone call interrupts them. Wais talked on the phone for few seconds and ended it.

"Tabassum, we should leave. We have work."

"Oh! Okay then we'll take your leave. Assalamu alaikum." With that said they both left Arsala and Jannet after hearing their reply.

My Mafia Darling {MMD} ~ (ON HOLD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang