6. The Follow & The Request

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"You slapped hard"

"Yes I did"

"It hurts"

"It should"

"What have I done now?"

"How could you not do that?"

"How could I not do what?"

"How come you didn't play xbox even once till now? How could you?"

"Jannet, I am not interested in games"

"But still you have a little brother"

"I AM NOT LITTLE" came Rabee's voice.


"How could you, Arsala?"

"He plays it all the time. But I'm not interested in it. What's the problem now?"

"UGHHH. You're boring."

"You asked me and I answered it. Idiot. Why would you slap me so hard? It hurts till now."

"You deserved it."

"I should never accepted in playing 'Never have I ever' game at the first place."

No response from Jannet.

"But still it was so awesome. I enjoyed it so much."

"Me too. It's been so long since we played silly games."

It's Saturday.

The day were they can rest as it's the weekend.

But Jannet invited herself to Arsala's home. And just like that they both started their day eating and watching TV and finally ended up playing 'Never have I ever' which ended by a hard slap on Arsala's cheek for not playing xbox till now.

"Stop your silliness. Grandma is calling you both downstairs for Lunch." Rabee barged in Arsala's room and said before exiting.

"Now I knew why you were grumpy from last 15 minutes." Arsala stated.

"Because it's Lunch time." Jannet yelled in excitement and they both went downstairs.

After lunch, Jannet left Arsala's home telling that she has to finish some college work at around 4 P.M. Then the rest of the day went by Arsala and Rabee playing catch and catch, Throwball at the backyard, praying Maghrib and isha together with Grandma, preparing Dinner together and finally returning to their respective rooms for a goodnight sleep.

"Finally. I'm so tired." Arsala said and lay down on her bed while she searched for her phone.

Jannet called her at the same time.....

Jannet - Yo, Arsu.

Arsala - Had your dinner?

Jannet - yup. And you?

Arsala - Just now.

Jannet - Did you checked your IG? I have send you some memes. It's just incredibly laughable. Haha. You should see that. My stomach hurts so much from all the laughter.

Arsala - You left my home telling me that you have college work to finish. Do you remember?

Jannet - Oh shit. I forgot. I'll talk to you later. I've to finish my assignments. Bye.

Arsala - okay, Bye idiot.

And they ended their call. Arsala turned on the internet and checked her IG only to be SHOCKED.



Her Notification said




"What the?"

"When did I sent the request? Yesterday?" Arsala murmured to herself and her eyes widened in realization. Indeed she sent the request.

What shall I do now?

Accept it?


Reject it?

Shall I unfollow him?



What shall i do?

While she were thinking what to do, her fingers accidentally touched the confirm option.

Arsala's hand started shaking and her phone slipped from her hands.

"NO NO NO." she whisper yelled then switched off her phone and covered herself with the comforter not before switching off her lights. Because she don't know what to do with her stupid self.

But little did she know that she can't sleep and she'll literally walk like a Zombie in her college the next day.!

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