Charms and Spells (Kiss and Tell)

Start from the beginning

"Cornish pixies," Liam said in a low voice, but he knew Louis had heard the password. The Fat Lady shook her head in disapproval, but the portrait swung open anyways.

"That's a ridiculous password," Louis commented with a smirk.

"Yeah?" Niall asked from his spot on an arm chair. "Almost as ridiculous as your jokes."

"Now, Niall," Harry chimed in from his spot on the floor, not even lifting his head from his book. "You promised Liam you would be nice to his friend." Harry raised his head and smiled apologetically, a soft dimple on display. "Sorry, Liam."

Louis scoffed. "I'm the one you should be apologizing to, Curly."

Niall tossed a cushion aimed at Louis's head, but he ducked just in time. "Only I can call him that, you tosser."

"My hero," Harry muttered with an exagerated eye roll. "Now please stop talking, I'm trying to read."

The Hufflepuff grinned and buried his hand in Harry's curls. He smiled fondly as Harry hummed under his breath, almost oblivious to the other two boys. Other Gyffindors stared at them with raised eyebrows, but they knew better than to question anything in Louis's presence. Liam imagined half the school was afraid to be on Louis's bad side.

He supposed Louis must look quite intimidating to those who were not his friends. It was in the way he carried himself, with an air of confidence that few dared question and a witty remark, or hex(most often than not) to those who did.

Louis huffed in annoyance and pulled out his wand from one of his many pockets. "You little fucker, what did you do to my broom," he demanded while pointing his wand at Niall's head.

The blonde only smirked wider, a challenging glint in his eye. "Nothing Zayn can't fix."

"Zayn?" Louis asked, clearly taken aback. "Is this about the spell he put on you last week?"

Harry snorted. "Which one of the three?"

"You need to stop using me to get back at Zayn," Louis said, clearly not amused. "Unlike him, I won't hesitate to curse you."

"And risk Liam never talking to you again?" Niall teased. "We both know that won't happen."

Louis's blue eyes narrowed dangeroulsy before offering Liam an apologetic smile. "Sorry," he muttered quietly before waving his wand and whispering something Liam couldn't hear.

Niall's eyes widened momentarily in surprise, but then his whole body stiffened and he froze, seemingly paralyzed.

Harry yelped as Niall's frozen hand fisted on his curls. "Louis, you fucker, when I get a hold of you!"

"Well, look at the time," Louis grinned and backtracked to the door. "I think I'm late to practice. Goodbye you Irish fucker, hope you don't get too cold."

Liam groaned and moved to help Harry free his precious hair, but as soon as he was free, he sprang up and ran after the fleeing Slytherin. Lucky for Niall, Louis didn't actually hex him and simply used a charm that paralyzed his muscles. Liam grimaced, regretting the day he helped Louis perfect that charm. Unfortunately, Liam couldn't remember the counter spell, so Niall would just have to wait until the effects faded on their own.

Harry returned later with a disgruntled expression and muttering curse words under his breath.

"It's okay, Haz," Niall strugled to whisper. "We'll get him tomorrow." Slowly, he began regaining control of his body and the first thing he did was extend his arms to accommodate Harry's long limbs. Harry pouted, but he wrapped his arms around Niall's neck and gave him a soft peck on the lips.

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