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Angel's POV

I walked inside the room and I sighed in satisfaction, it wasn't luxurious or anything but it was big. The beds were far from each other and each side had its desk and closet.

Obviously the empty bed out of the too was mine, since the other one had already sheets and books on the nightstand.

Lucia and another guy brought my luggage to the room and placed it inside. I smiled at her and she nodded her head.

"I'll be in front of the door when you're done, someone will come to show you around the campus" I nodded and she left closing the door behind her. I sighed and sat on the bed. I'm pretty sure this is the most boring school I'll ever attend. I quickly changed to more casual clothes and put my hair in a bun.

I opened the door and I was surprised there was a girl about to grab the door knob. Her long black was preventing me from seeing her face. But when she looked up, her eyes met mine and my breath hitched in my throat. I just stood there awkwardly staring at her. She was wearing the boys school uniform, that's weird.

"Are you going to move out of the way or you're just gonna stare at me" she said in a bitchy tone. Well nevermind, she is hot and gorgeous on the outside but garbage on the inside. I rolled my eyes. She walked closer trying to intimidate me but oh no she got the wrong bitch. I took a step forward and she looked surprised but kept her cold face.

"Alright that's enough" we heard someone, I looked up and Lucia was standing next to a girl with long curly hair, her brown skin was blessed with enough melanin that it shined. She was in a white and blue school uniform but with a skirt instead of pants. She smiled at me and I can see her deep dimples.

"Luci don't be mean" the next to Lucia said to this goddess with a shitty personality. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms in front of the door.

"Whatever, now get the hell out of my way" she said between gritted teeth. I smirked and that seemed to make her more upset.

"Look here little girl I get that we're roommates but don't think I'll be nice to you" Awwwn someone is in a bad mood, I smiled and got closer to her ear.

"We'll see about that" I whispered in her ear and went next to Lucia and the other girl. Luci girl on the other hand was still standing there she then sighed and walked slamming the door behind her.

"I'm Jasmin and I'll be showing you around the school and if you need anything you can look for me and I'll gladly help you"

"Angel" I said shaking her hand, she looked at Lucia with heart eyes and I just chuckled internally. Lucia was busy talking in the ear piece.

We walked to this huge room with long rectangular tables. There was no one here, maybe because it's 6pm and it's not time to eat.

"So this is the cafeteria, breakfast is at 7:00am you better be on time or you won't be served. Lunch is at 12:30pm and dinner is at 8:00pm. Curfew starts at 10, if you get caught outside you'll face the dean and you so don't wanna talk to her she's a bitch"

She kept going on about classes and to not be late or pick fights or have drugs with you or you'll face with this so scary dean woman.  And then she walked me back to my dorm. She waved bye at and winked at Lucia who was surprised a little bit didn't say anything just smiled at Jasmin.

"Where are you staying?" I asked Lucia,

"There's a dorm at the end of the hallway for me, the other men will be staying outside of the campus" I nodded my head. I walked inside the room and Luci was laying on her bed using her phone, she looked at me and rolled her eyes.
Some of her things were scattered around the floor and it annoyed me. I hate messy people specially if we shared the same place.

I walked next to her bed and just stood crossing my arms. She ignored me and kept scrolling down her phone. So I just pulled her earphone out of her ear.

"What the fuck?!" She stood up quickly hovering over me, she was breathing heavily and her eyes were darker. Damn she needs to check up her anger issues.

"If you wanna be messy, scatter your shit on your side or I'll burn them" I warned but before she can say anything I put my hand in front her face.

"Don't talk to me unless your shit isn't on my floor" I left her standing there stunned and I grabbed my stuff and went to the bathroom. Just because I look like a good girl doesn't mean I won't ruin her pretty face.


Interesting I might say...


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