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Hailey's birthday had already passed. There was only one week left until school started. This summer break was an exact repeat of the last except that even on her birthday she wasn't allowed to do much except having a few friends over.

The only weird part of it all was that they wouldn't even let her read the prophet. Everyone was being so weird. Sirius and Remus were over very often and would always be in her father's study with the other adults. They wouldn't tell her anything at all.

Hailey was going downstairs for a quick break before she got back to work. Her mom had assigned so much work. Like way too much. She barely made Hailey do chores. She and house-elves had become neat-freaks. Last week, they had found a rat in the attic and had freaked out as if there was a basilisk.

Hailey spotted her dad.

"Dad, when are you taking me to Diagon Alley? I need the new books,"

"I'm sorry prongslet but you can't go. I'll go get them tomorrow,"

"Dad, don't you think this is going too far? I haven't stepped outside in two months!"

"Yea but we warned you, honey, you chose to disobey and run head-first into the chamber,"

"Ok, but Ron got off restriction a month ago. Mason got off in 2 weeks. Even Neville got off a day before his birthday. Then why do I have to be stuck inside forever!"

"That is a choice their parents make and this is what you get,"

"Dad, you know what I think! I think that there is something seriously wrong with the 5 of you! This isn't about my grounding anymore, this is about something else! Mom has become a literal neat freak, constantly cleaning. And the four of you are constantly trying to add more wards to the house like paranoid freaks! Yes, I know you have been adding extra wards. My magic can feel it. Just because you don't tell me anything doesn't mean I don't know. I will get to the bottom of this! Hmmph!"


Later that night Hailey received an owl from Neville. She had asked all her friends to try to find out exactly what was going on a few days ago.

Before she could open Neville's though, Mason's owl flew in followed by Errol and lastly Draco's.

She opened Neville's first,

Dear Hailey,

It sucks that your parents are keeping you grounded for so long. I got your letter and I tried to dig around. My parents are trying to keep things from me too but I managed to find out,

Pettigrew escaped and the Aurors and everyone thinks that he is after you.

I know it sucks but until they catch him stay safe and don't go looking for him!



All of the other letters were variations of them telling her about Pettigrew's escape and warning her to not go looking for him.


They all know and she who has a godfather and a father in the ministry has no clue! On top of everything, the idiots all warned her not to go looking for him, as if!

"Please don't go looking for him!"

"The Aurors have it under control just promise me not to go looking for him,"

"I know it's annoying to stay at home but just don't go looking for him,"

UGH! As if she was thick enough to do that!


When Hailey thought about it rationally, she decided that she would not show any emotion when she revealed to her parents she already knew and they shouldn't bother trying to hide it from her.

And thank god she had already gotten the Hogsmeade permission slip signed during the first week when her parents felt guilty for grounding her 2 summers in a row.

If she just didn't talk about it until school started, she could go and nobody would find out.

She had everything sorted out.

The next morning when her father tried to take the prophet to work with him Hailey said not to bother.

"Don't bother dad, I already know about Pettigrew," while sipping her tea.

"WHAT!" her parents exclaimed at the same time.

"yea, I know why mom is acting like a neat freak you are acting paranoid."

"Ok ok, but you have to promise us that you won't go looking for him," his dad said.

She slammed her cup on the table a little too loudly but then smiled.

"Dad, I don't know why you would ever think I would do that but have trust I won't. After the chamber, I have firmly decided that I do not want to spend another whole summer on restriction so you can be assured that I will keep my nose out of other people's business."

"Ok good, so we have another piece of news we would like to tell you,"

"Remus is going to be your new DADA teacher," her mom said.

"Oh, I already know- I saw the list of books,"

"Ok great."

"Um.. and also, I will be assisting Madame Pomfrey in the hospital wing," her mother said.


"And I will be replacing Madame Hooch for a short while, she fell off her broom," her father told her

"NO wayyyy,"

"Oh, and Sirius will be replacing Professor Binns for HOM,"


A/N: Haha, who would've guessed ANOTHER CHAPTER IN LESS THAN 24 HRS??!! no need to thank me just leave your thoughts in the comments.

Hailey Potter: Only Time Will Tell (Fem!Harry & Time Travel)Where stories live. Discover now