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A/N: Thank you so much for reviewing, it means so much to me! So, I know you guys want Hailey to be friends with Snape which is what I plan to do but I also don't think that he would just like Hailey for talking to him nicely so, I am not bashing him just sticking to his original personality which may or may not like Hailey. Also, I am aware that Tonks had already graduated when Harry started school but I am going to change around the ages a bit to fit the story better. Also, I searched for their schedule online and couldn't find it so the classes won't be compliant with Cannon. Just saying for Nit-pickers.

Hailey woke up early for the first day of classes and mirror called her parents who were anxious to see how her first night was. Sirius had given Hailey the spare mirror that Pettigrew had used declaring her a marauder after she became an Animagi. They talked for a while and Hailey mentioned Draco and Mason. James was a bit biased about Draco but Lily gave him a piece of her mind. Though Hailey knew that it wasn't over.

They wished her good luck before saying goodbye so she could be the first to shower. Since there were only three girls in Gryffindor that year, she almost always got privacy if she was early enough.

Lavender and Parvati quickly became best friends during the feast. It was sometimes annoying that all her friends were boys and she couldn't exactly go to their dormitories without arousing unnecessary suspicions.

Hailey quickly got dressed and headed down to the common room where she waited for Neville, Ron and Mason. Then, they headed down to the great hall for breakfast. Breakfast was a quiet affair except for Tonks spilling a whole jug of milk on the Hufflepuff table.

When Draco came down, he sat with the Slytherins but then felt a little lonely as nobody would talk to him not even Crabbe and Goyle so he came to sit with Hailey and her friends at the Gryffindor. Ron sniggered and Draco's face fell. Hailey gave Ron a glare which he ignored. Ron was having a hard time around Draco and even Mason. Hailey remembered that Ron had once told her in their first year that Mason reminded him of his least liked brother Percy-who, by the way, is much more bearable nowadays-but he didn't need to tolerate him since he wasn't even blood. Hailey in turn ignored Ron throughout the whole breakfast and instead talked to the others. Ron was definitely hurt and Hailey felt sorry for him but he needed to learn.

After breakfast, McGonagall gave them their timetables and Snape gave Draco his. Luckily they didn't have classes together for the first period and they parted ways.

"Why is Draco all of a sudden more important than me?" Ron asked in a hurt voice. Mason and Neville were caught up in their own conversation and walking ahead of them.

"Ronnie, you know that's not true" Hailey comforted her friend.

"Then, why did you ignore me at breakfast and talked to that git?" Ron asked.

"Why did you laugh at him when he didn't have anybody to sit with. He hasn't even done anything to you" Hailey said.

"Did you forget the first meeting during the train?" Ron tried.

"No, I didn't. I remember that he did call you and your family names after you laughed at his name to which he also apologized. Draco is far from perfect but he is my friend and you shouldn't be mean to him like that Ronnie." Hailey explained to Ron.

"Have you seen his father? The Malfoy's are pureblood supremacists. The Weasleys and Malfoys have been a nemesis for generations." Ron argued. Hailey decided to take a different approach.

"Have you heard of Sirius's family?" Hailey asked knowingly. Sirius and Ron were quite close. In fact, Sirius was close with all of the Weasleys. He helped Bill secure his Gringotts position. He helped Charlie with career choices since he was confused between a professional Qudditch player or get a job at the dragon reserve. Sirius spent hours with the Weasley twins coming up with Mischief ideas and even fake cried when they said they discovered the Marauder's map (which they now share with Hailey since Hailey is technically the "heir"). Sirius also understood Ron and the natural pressure from his family and related with him in a way. Heck! Ron was even close with Regulus after their countless intense chess matches.

Hailey Potter: Only Time Will Tell (Fem!Harry & Time Travel)Where stories live. Discover now