chapter 29 - so, that's how it is...

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Once they hear everything from GiGirGirl's stories, everyone especially the power band wearers become completely shocked in horror from what happened to BoBoiBoy.

Mechabot: you kids are terrible!

Shielda: you all aren't heroes at all!

Probe: that's so cruel of you! BoBoiBoy would be dead if he wasn't able to survive.

Adudu: you are the worst!

They received negative credits from them, while they feel bad for what they did.

Then they see BoBoiBoy's family being greatly distraught from his terrible experience.

The teens try to Comfort them, but they received a cold shoulder from them out of hatred for making the Element User suffer from his misfortunes.

Fang: what have we done...

Gopal: he was there...? & has heard everything from What we said awful things about him...

Even Ochobot is on a mental breakdown from hearing about his best friend's horrible fate.

"Why was I so foolish for leaving BoBoiBoy behind... And I can't believe I had listened to them..."

While the teens stay silent in a grimace, as they're too guilty for their actions that drove him mad.

Even they all grieve over Hang Kasa's death. Which they blame themselves for this to happen.

While the rest continues on their discussion.

Kokoci: So you knew how he rejoins TAPOPS was only an act, just to track down the sacred Gems.

GGG: yeah, Excaliborg was the one who hired The power sphere hunters. He tricks them to "assassinate" him. So BoBoiBoy can be a part of the member again after he easily captures them all.

Kaizo: and when he attacks the TAPOPS station as Kurai, this was also a part of his plan to make the commander Inform everyone about the incident. So BoBoiBoy would manipulate us into coming to the facility.

Tarung: then he brought the Knight Empires to terrorize the facility, and that's how he exposed himself as Kurai.

Fang: but BoBoiBoy also ruined our reputation after he "returned home".  He was the one who caused trouble in the city.

Yaya: as he uses illusions to imitate us.

Ying: so he can make everyone hate us.

Gopal: which we already are.

Which everyone looks at the watch wearers with an angry face.

Then Amato has something in his mind.

Amato: So Excaliborg was once a hero back then.

GGG: yeah, until he Starts to hate being one after his closes ones selfishly abandoned him, and ended becoming a cyborg.

Amato: which is so similar to BoBoiBoy's reasons for becoming evil.

Amato's wife: that means BoBoiBoy would end up like Excaliborg if we don't do something to stop this from happening.

Tok Aba: See. This is what you get for leaving him behind.

Everyone, including BBB's family, harshly scold them for their uncaring actions towards him.

Sai: (sarcastic) Nice going, you guys...

Shielda: good luck on that. It would be impossible to stop him, now that BoBoiBoy is much more Stronger than before. But he's only after you guys out of vengeance.

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