chapter 20 - the enemy that's among them

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"BoBoiBoy?! What's the meaning of this?! I don't know what you're doing, but you're making a fool of yourself."

Tarung demanded answers from the boy. But BBB only makes a serious look on his face.

"Fire Punch"

He started to attack the admiral without hesitation. Leaving the admiral knocked out on the floor while being covered by ashes.

Which surprises everyone.

Kaizo: did he just attacked the admiral?!

Then BoBoiBoy turns attention to the little commander.

Kokoci: BoBoiBoy, why did you-

BBB: Earth Grab!

He traps him with his earth powers.

Then BoBoiBoy zoom towards Kokoci with his lightning power, to snatched the metal briefcase. Before zooming back just to hand it over to Excaliborg.

Once he open the case that only has a crystal ball, golden star, and a broken sword, which confirm that it is what their looking for.

Excaliborg: this is exactly what we've been looking for many years. Thank you BoBoiBoy, I'm glad you're on our side.

Seeing the enemy gives a compliment to the element user, greatly surprised TAPOPS in disbelief. Which they stop fighting with each other, as they catches attention.

Papa Zola: is justice trying to trick me?!

Sai: I don't believe it!

Shielda: BoBoiBoy is betraying us?

Which They started to turnover against the element user. But the others tries to defend him.

Yaya: No Way!

Fang: There has to be a good reason.

Nut: he would never do that, right?

Ochobot: of course. BoBoiBoy is our-

BoBoiBoy: you really are pathetic.

This makes them confused, while the latter stayed silent. Then the leader comes forward.

Excaliborg: we did make a deal with each other, as a promise to give the boy what he wants. In exchange, he brought us to the place on what you're hiding so we can retrieve it.

Kokoci: so... This was all an act? You rejoined TAPOPS, just to convince me to take you to the facility...

Tarung: *immediately recovers himself from the attack* so you can bring the Knight Empire to this place?!

Adudu: I knew it! You're a traitor!

Ochobot: No, he isn't! I still don't believe it.

Excaliborg: actually, he's been hiding secrets from all of you. As he always wanted to make a fool to you all.

Ochobot: you're lying!

Yaya: BoBoiBoy would never want to betray us.

But the boy remains silent... Only when BBB is surrounded by dark auras around his body.

Fang: is that... Dark powers?

Excaliborg: go ahead. Exposed yourself! Show who you really were! The one you always torment TAPOPS, and your so called friends.

Ying: what is he talking about...?

Which bbb brings out something from his pocket.

He shows everyone that he's holding a black colored smartphone like device.

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