chapter 21 - friends no more

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The fleet of Tempur - A arrives outside of the facility.

Were the Mop Aliens has already dropped by to attack the Knight army.








The power band wearers arrives outside of the facility, to confront BoBoiBoy. After learning his identity as a dangerous criminal in space, known as Kurai. As he betrays the heroes.

Kurai: about time you show up.

Fang: alright where's Ochobot?

Which he steps aside to show that he's holding Ochobot hostage, who's trapped in Dark spikes that forms into a cage.

Kurai: If you want him back, you have to fight me for it.

But they couldn't. They may had learned that it was their friend under the mask the whole time, but they fear on his capabilities. Since they last encounter as the masked criminal.

Gopal: you want us to fight you? Your new elemental is so powerful! And we can't win against you.

Kurai: well my dark form is actually a first stage, while I still haven't evolved it,... yet. But it's still powerful as the light element.

Fang: but if you continue to be a criminal, then we'll have to take you in, to the custody. So you'll not hurt more innocent people anymore. More importantly... This would be a way to get through with you, BoBoiBoy.

Yaya: so you can see on how sorry we really are. I know you said horrible things to us, but you're right.

Ying: please forgive us BoBoiBoy. There's always a second chance.

As they try to apologize, however...

Kurai: it's too late! I tried to apologize to you all from last time, but you refused to accept it.

Gopal: but-

Kurai: which I will never wanted to forgive you as well. If you don't want
to fight me, Then say goodbye to Ochobot.

He draw out his sword, in attempt to stab the Power Sphere.

Yaya: No!

The gravity user fly directly to stop him.

When she gets closer, to her surprised, Kurai vanished. Which she realized that it's an illusion.

Then Kurai appeared behind and uses Dark punch on the girl. Then uses Dark Tendrils to brutally whipped her, until she falls to the ground.

Ying rushes for her Friend's condition, only to see her bruises.

She is infuriated for what he did to her best friend. Yet, feeling dismayed on his actions that they indirectly brought this mess.

Ying has no choice but to take him down. Even if it's necessary. Which her eyes starts running into tears, as she has to face him.

So the time user recklessly attempt to give a big shot, ignoring the other's protest, were she run in full speed towards him.

Before that, Kurai begins to make a stunt.

"Elemental Power,"

The Power Sphere Killer glows a bright light on his body, while Ying tries to attack him.

When she's about to give a Kick, he managed to dodge it. As he evade it in full speed. Then he appeared behind her.

When Ying looks from the back, she sees the changes of his armor.

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