"You got it right ma- auntie" I said..

"So.. badly, I need to go now since my husband and child are waiting for me. Konon, go home before it's too late okay? And.. you too Lea. Good bye" She said as she patted Konon's shoulder, as well as mine.

"Take care, auntie" Konon said as their aunt went away.

"So, you still love riki, right?" She asked while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Wait, since when did you got fluent on your korean" I asked, trying to change the topic..

"Uhmm, I don't know.. I just studied it because of a k-drama" She said.. "But don't try to change the topic"

I just but my inner lip, preventing myself from smiling..

"Wait- does that smile means yes?" She saud happily as I shyly nodded..

"Do you know that I like you for riki?!" She said loudly and grinned.

"But he doesn't love me too-"

"Ey, think positive. Do you know? When I met you... I started gaining your positive trait too" she said and pouted her lips..

I just chuckled..

i love the way I can see Ni-ki through her.

"I want to be close with you. So when Riki wakes up, he will be jealous because I'm spending time with you while he's laying on a bed for weeks" she said and laughed as I laughed with her..

"You sounds fun to be with"

"I'm not like this before, Riki is my only friend and brother.. so I'm only close with him.. That's why I'm so sad when we separated" She said as I nodded with her words..

"As a twin, do you feel sad when riki is sad too?" J asked..

"Yes? I don't know because we're not together" She said..

"but, when he woke up, are you gonna stay here permanently?"

"Yeah, I guess"

"Then let's be best friends" I said as she chuckled

"Sure! Why not!" She said and smiled brightly.

"Do you know that one of my friends likes you?" I asked again making her choke on her own saliva.


I just chuckled at her reaction.

( so this book is now officially a konon x lea book HAHHSJSJHAAH just kidding )

"But seriously, who among them?" She asked..

"It's a secret, you should know about it yourself.. i don't want to ruin your love story" I said and chuckled


Time check, 8:34 pm.

"Uhmm, konon, can we change seats?" I asked as she nodded..


"I just want to do something" I said as she stood up from her seat

"thank you" I said as she smiled

when I sat on her seat- which is my seat when I'm going here alone... i turned around and faced the table..

I opened the diary, flipping through the pages..

"So you're writing a letter or something?" she asked ..

"Yeah, letters.. for riki" I said and smiled proudly

"Ooh, words from a person who is in love" She said and chuckled..

I just focused on the letter I am writing,

while smiling.. of course.


April 5, 2023.

Dear Ni-ki,

Hey Ni-ki, it's now my third day .. like what I have said yesterday, I'll visit you today at night.

I met your aunt here, looking after you... she's nice, kind and have a sweet tone! Konon is also here, she looks like you... i think being pretty or handsome is normal for nishimuras. She also said that we can be close, and that made me happy. Imagine that, I'm close with two nishimuras, isn't that good?

And here's a not so funny news, your aunt just mistook me as your girlfriend- well.. I still love you so I didn't even thought of denying it. But if you don't love me too, I'll respect your decision.

So I'll end it here. I know this is short but all I wanna say is I love you, Riki!



<WORD COUNT: 1097>



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