Chapter 15: Red

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Vicrul's POV

Four of us were standing in our headquarters, aside a long rectangular table in the middle of the room with a touchscreen on it, showing us where we were headed to next, including information about our target. We were on the floor just below Kylo's apartment, where we discussed our upcoming missions, and we were all standing on the same side of the table; I was standing near one corner, Ushar next to me, then Ap'lek in the middle, followed by Trudgen and Kylo next to each other near the other corner of the table. Ap'lek, Ushar, Trudgen, and myself would be assigned to this next mission headed to a small town in Russia, and we'd be leaving in a couple days.

Kylo had explained that there would be no hand-to-hand combat or direct interaction with the target for this mission, but Ushar was still considered to be new, so he needed to be out on as many jobs as possible; within the Knights of Ren, a Knight was considered seasoned after five years of training, and currently Ushar was only about half way there. I'd spent the most time so far training Ushar, so I knew why I was assigned. Ap'lek was going with us for obvious reasons since we would be in Russia. But I wasn't sure why Trudgen was coming with us, and from where this conversation was headed, he had no idea either.

"Why do I have to go if you're sending three others for some bullshit assignment?" Trudgen asked aggressively with his arms crossed. His hostility was quick to show, and I understood why: he hadn't been able to kill anyone close up for the last two missions we'd been on, so he felt useless during those jobs.

"Because I fucking said so," Kylo replied, taking a step closer to Trudgen. "Don't question me, Schlächter." (butcher/slaughterer).

"Fick dich, Kylo." (Fuck you). Trudgen practically spit venom as he spoke to our boss so defiantly. "Ich müss nicht dabei sein!" (I don't have/need to be there!)

"I'm paying you for it, aren't I? And I'm paying you well."

"No, this is fucked up, and you know it." Trudgen took a step closer to Kylo, getting in his face now. They were both the same height, so they easily glared into each other's eyes. "Why do you keep sending me on bullshit jobs that I'm not even needed for?"

"You know why," Kylo stated bluntly.

"So I can't even have a girlfriend, because you've got a fucking problem with it?" Trudgen put his hands on Kylo's chest and shoved him backwards hard.

"Samara is mine," Kylo said, raising his voice and pushing Trudgen back a few steps as well. Ap'lek stepped out of the way a bit surprised, but I just rolled my eyes. These two had fought before, so it was nothing new, but they'd never fought like this over a woman. "And you need to back the fuck off."

"Verpiss dich, du Mistkerl!" Trudgen shouted. (Fuck off, you bastard). The next few moments happened so fast that I was barely able to react to them. Trudgen's eyes blazed red as he lunged at Kylo. He speared Kylo to the ground and threw a couple punches to his face when he sat up above him, straddling his waist. Kylo was able to block one of the initial punches but not the other. "She isn't yours!" He emphasized each word with another blow to Kylo's head, which started showing a couple cuts on it from Trudgen's rings that he wore frequently.

Kylo was able to grab onto Trudgen's collar of his shirt, wrap his legs around Trudgen's waist, and roll him onto his back. "She certainly isn't yours," he replied, continuing to jab at Trudgen's face.

The wrestling on the ground commenced for a few more seconds, blows being thrown between the two of them. Ushar attempted to break it up, but I pulled him by the back of his shirt and threw him behind me before he had the chance to touch either of them; it would only get Ushar involved in the fight as well if he tried to stop them. Ap'lek knew better than to try to break up a fight between the Knights when I was around; I could handle this without actually getting into this brawl with them. Trudgen and Kylo were big guys, but I had more pounds of muscle on my frame than they did, and it showed. I grabbed Kylo around his neck as he laid several punches to Trudgen's head, which he was blocking with his arms around his face, and he was attempting to knee Kylo in the sides. I put our boss in a chokehold, not too tightly, just enough to pull him off of our German brother, and I landed on my back with Kylo on top of me, struggling to stand back up. "What the fuck is going on with you two?! You've been on edge with each other for weeks now!"

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