Hylia's Martyrs

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After a long night of heated tensions illuminated by the blood moon, everyone was somewhat settled and on the same page. Rhoam had been furious that Urbosa married the pair behind his back and that Link broke both the law and his knight's oath, but was willing to accept the marriage if records proving it were brought to him, mainly since there was nothing he could do if the claim was true.

Urbosa departed for her domain at dawn to obtain a copy of the records for Rhoam and returned in less than two days with more than enough proof to satisfy the king.

The day in which this evidence was to be presented in a formal audience provided much unneeded stress upon Zelda, but no one was allowed to visit her prior to the audience because of her sinful involvement. Alone with her unborn child, she caressed her stomach almost aggressively the entire morning as she tried to work out the stress. A short time before the trial began, two Hylian Captains came to her room to escort her. One functioned as a traditional escort, the other ensured she obeyed. Unlike her typical reaction to being treated as a traitorous commoner, Zelda put up no fight, she kept her head down and arms clasped behind her back. The threat that physical impact posed to her baby was enough to keep her more than compliant; for the first time in her whole life, Zelda was completely submissive to the Royal Guard.

What was her mother thinking? Her beloved mother who had returned to Hylia so long ago, was she proud of her daughter for following her heart? Or was she ashamed, as her father was, and looking down with Hylia's scorn? No one at the Castle had been pleased to hear about her scandal, even Impa and her researcher friends, who had learned about the pregnancy a month ago and seemed excited for her, were sure to truly feel ashamed of her.

Zelda entered the Sanctum, the throne room that had seated her family for thousands of years, not a princess but a prisoner. Link's family, his father and little sister, stood close to Rhoam. Although it was in his job description to look firm during audiences, Zelda felt burned by her father's gaze.

Link and Urbosa, the former still bound by chains, already stood at the front of the room, with gossipmongers and concerned citizens alike already assembled.

The footsteps of the captains drew all eyes onto Zelda, she pulled her head back even more.

The crowd made no attempt to ensure their 'whispers' were unable to be heard by their princess. Comment after comment containing both rumor-confirming remarks and profanity reached Zelda's ears, too hurt and ashamed to check Link's reaction. "Golden Goddesses, she is pregnant! Look at her!" Zelda heard over and over again, a different voice every time that was followed by the whole section gasping. "Whose do you think it is? You think it's the Champion's?"

The mention of that title made Zelda look around.

Link and Urbosa were the only Champions present. The others had been given the benefit of the doubt.

Once Zelda's eyes caught sight of Link's, she stared like a starving animal. Oh, how she missed him! She missed his warm voice and that knowing pressure he would put on her stomach as cramps set it. She missed his somewhat-kempt style of appearance, wild but still honorable, being close to her at all times. If she had told herself even just two years ago that she would be head over heels for this knight, married to him, carrying his child, longing desperately for his return to her side... she knew that her past self would think she'd had too many Pursuits.

"Look at her! She's as guilty as Ganon!" Zelda noticed fingers being pointed at her. This person was yelling louder than necessary, trying to move the audience for her conviction. "She's standing in front of her king and still drooling over a commoner, what sinful thoughts do you think are in her head right now?"

Trial of the Zora ArmorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon