Cursed by the Blood Moon

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Link tried not to breathe too deeply. The incense burning in Zelda's chamber, cool safflina to lull Her Highness into a deep slumber despite her anxieties, threatened to keep him from the job he was supposed to be doing. He was already exhausted, and the letter from Zora's Domain, from Mipha, concerned him considerably.

He wanted to sleep, to let his own worries fade away. He wanted to curl up next to his sleeping wife like he did on their wedding night; to hear the little sighs she made when she exhaled as he too fell asleep.

His silence was a blessing and a curse at the moment. It eased his mind, knowing he was not expected to carry on conversation, but having that societal burden was the only thing that could guarantee that he'd remain awake.

Zelda was asleep, as she should be. All affairs currently on the table would fare better with a private discussion than a formal audience. Especially considering some... wouldn't go over so well with the King.

Time was running out for all. Even though there was no reliable prediction on the return of Calamity Ganon, there was, at most, six months until the more sensitive matters would no longer allow themselves to be concealed.

Zelda was due then. However, with the stress placed upon her, Link was certain she would go into labor earlier. That would be something neither could hide. While it was true that Zelda might be someplace other than Hyrule Castle when going into labor, and that it could be kept quiet, the sudden appearance of a newborn royal that resembled both Zelda and Link would quickly be discovered.

"You know, the more time I spend with you, the more you remind me of her." Urbosa's words broke through his troubled thoughts.

Link's tired mind shot awake as he turned towards Urbosa.

"Haha, did I startle you?" Urbosa's chuckles died down as she sighed. "I guess I shouldn't really be surprised, you are her husband after all." She then looked out, once again becoming lost in the past. "You've reminded me of her since we've met though."

Link wasn't sure how to respond, so he reverted to his knight's default: standing guard outside Zelda's chambers, sword balanced against the ground and staring silently. He felt Urbosa's eyes remain on him, making him uneasy. Gripping the Master Sword's hilt a little tighter, he reasoned this feeling... must be how Zelda felt in the very beginning, when he had first been appointed as her personal knight.

"Come on, boy, open up a little. I know there's a whole person underneath that soldier's shell. I saw him."

Link sighed, picking up the sword. "This is the best I can do. Help the transition."

"I understand. You hide the truth to help her, but you feel the only way to truly help her is to reveal her illegal acts." Urbosa waited for Link's surprised yet concerned reaction to complete before continuing. "I get it, really. She's pregnant with your first and you feel that you're the only voe in all Hyrule with a pregnant wife. But you're not. Besides, there's a reason we called this a curse when Zelda found out. She's the fourth royal in a row to become pregnant before her wedding day. King Rhoam was right in your shoes almost eighteen years ago, he should have some empathy for you both."

Link glanced back at the door, but kept his head as forward-facing as possible.

Urbosa cracked a smile. "She's about the same as when you left her." She then quickly read the words within his silent gaze. "The baby's fine too." Chuckling to herself more than Link, she added. "You two are making me feel old... I was already dear friends with the Queen of Hyrule when she became pregnant with Zelda. Now her little bird is a grown woman, married with her first on the way..."

"You're not old... Zelda and I are just young..."

"That may be true, but I'm definitely not young anymore." Urbosa laughed heartily before realizing her volume. "Oops. Don't want to wake the princess up." After a short pause, Urbosa laid her hand on Link's shoulder. "Everything will work out in time. I'm certain that both of you are just where you need to be."


Later that evening, Urbosa requested King Rhoam for a private audience on Link's behalf. Zelda was quite nervous, even though the audience didn't directly involve her, perhaps because something just felt... wrong. The moon was preparing to rise yet Zelda felt hot and dizzy.

"Little bird, how are you feeling?" Urbosa helped Zelda dress into a lighter and looser outfit.

"Something... doesn't... feel... right..." Zelda whispered as her head dipped into Link's shoulder.

Link clutched her arm, holding a wet rag to her forehead as he brushed the back of his rag-holding hand down her face and arm. "Hot." He whimpered with concern.

Throughout the corner of her eyes, Zelda saw the moon beginning to rise in the sky and gasped shakily. She pointed as best as she could.

"The power of the Calamity is rising..." Urbosa noted... then gasped in realization. "Her divinity... she's of Hylia's blood, but hasn't awakened her sealing power..."

It was at this moment of realization that the King made his appearance. "What's going on?"

"Your Majesty." Urbosa began, Link dropping to his knees. "We've found Ganon's power rising... look to the moon... it's blood red." Urbosa gave a sweeping motion to the large window they were standing by, where a round full moon was bathed in red. "It's having an... effect on the Princess."

The higher the moon rose, the more Zelda was sweating. Her knees eventually buckled and her upper half landed on her bed, legs shuddering. Once he heard the sound of Zelda's arms hitting the mattress, Link perked back up. Even though he had not yet been released by his king, he rose, repositioned the shaking Zelda on her bed and stood beside her with the Master Sword held out to the blood moon; its enchanted blade gleaming as if to confirm that this was Ganon's doing.

"Do you see why her every moment must focus on unlocking her powers? There leaves no time for shenanigans."

"She physically cannot spend that much time training! I, among several others, have advised her so."

"And why is that? What could possibly be more important than the entirety of Hyrule?"

Urbosa paused, Link began to sweat. This was not how they wanted to tell Rhoam that Zelda was pregnant. They wanted a joyous occasion, not a strained one where emotions were already high. Link lifted his right foot, scratching his left ankle where his wedding anklet laid, hoping Hylia would help him and protect Zelda and the baby. A whine was heard from Zelda, Link nodded at Urbosa, who sighed and replied "Another descendant of Hylia."

Rhoam's eyebrows raised. "What nonsense is this?"

"No nonsense... There's a new descendant of Hylia on the way."

The king looked at Link, who nodded with fear in his eyes, then Zelda, who propped herself up slightly while gripping her stomach.

"You mean to tell me," King Rhoam began, now understanding and angry. "that not only have you not been focusing on your sacred duty, you've been sleeping around and now you're pregnant?!"

"F-Father..." She whispered, pained by Ganon's influence and afraid of what was coming. Although her strength was lacking, she gripped her stomach a little tighter.

Urbosa reached out slightly towards Rhoam. "Your Majesty... please use reason. You're well aware of the curse... and besides... Zelda's a married woman."

His Majesty took a step towards Her Highness, hauntingly illuminated by the blood moon, but Link blocked him, holding his glowing sword.

"What is the meaning of this, knight?! This is a matter of the Royal Family! Begone!"

"I... can't..." Link stammered in a whisper, sword still pointed at the king. "I... can't... betray... my wife..."

"Oh, so now you're married too? Aside from you both shirking your duties, what does your wife have to do with anything?!"

Urbosa stepped up, putting herself in between them, eyes on Rhoam while silently telling Link to return to Zelda's side. "Zelda is Link's wife. You said this is a matter of the Royal Family. Link's just accepting his role."

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