the spirit who chased the wind

Depuis le début

He took them wordlessly, letting his arms hang limply by his side. He had no use for swords. Swords were used by the living, and he was dead. Besides, these were tanto swords, commonly used by samurai to defend the land. Even if he was still alive, he wasn't worthy of wielding these blades. He wasn't worthy of anything. Not the Green Ninja mantle, nor a student of the most famed elemental master to exist.

He was nothing, and he knew it.

The woman, or at least the smoky figure of her, tilted the head to the side. She seemed curious, yet all knowing at the same time.

"Why were you in the Caves of Despair?" she asked. "It's treacherous and rarely anyone leaves unscathed."

"I wanted to be the Green Ninja," he said quietly. The fight and energy had all but drained from him and he wanted nothing more than to curl up and sleep forever. "But I was wrong, even though I was made to believe that for most of my life." The next bit was slightly embarrassing, but he said it anyway. "I wanted to find the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master, to show that I was worthy."

"How old are you now?"

"I'm nineteen." He wanted to plead for another chance to live. He was too young, barely hitting the prime time of his life. He wanted a chance to be normal and to experience life the way other people his age did. It was Wu's fault that he ended up here and destiny had done nothing to stop it.

"You've been snatched from the living too early," the woman said gently. "It was unfair, wasn't it?" The smoke drifted around him and he closed his eyes. "It was unfair that you were chasing a destiny that was never yours to keep."

"Yes," he mumbled. "And he never sent anyone to look for me. My friends at the monastery... they all forgot about me and moved on. No one cared."

"We do," the woman said.

He looked up, eyes burning with unspoken questions. "We?" he asked.

From the fog and smoke that swirled around him, four other spirits appeared. They were dressed in black and green clothing, with an additional pop of colour that varied with each ghost. They had scarves and hoods on, covering their faces save for their eyes, and they all carried glowing green weapons. He noticed one of the ghosts was a skeleton while the other three were human, so to speak.

"Morro, these four are my best warriors," she said. "They will help you, and soon, you will be as feared and respected as them."

One of the spirits stepped forward and removed their hood, revealing a woman with tangled black hair and dark blue eyes. "My name's Bansha," she said. "And I'm an elemental master of sound." She hesitated before saying, "Well, I was when I was alive. When I died, the power moved to another in my family, but the Preeminent allowed me to keep my ability."

He couldn't believe that he was standing in front of another elemental master. "I can control the wind," he said quietly. "And I can still do that right now." To prove his point, he made a small breeze blow through the room. He clenched his hand into a fist and the wind died down.

"These three," the female ghost gestured to the others standing behind her, "are skilled with different weapons. We all are."

"It is our job to train you," another ghost said, also removing their hood. He had bandages wrapped all over his face, exposing only black eyes and a few strands of dark hair. "I'm Wrayth, and I just arrived about five years ago. I know that things will get better. The Preeminent knows what's best for us and helps us."

He only nodded, though he was glad that these four spirits were helping him. It didn't matter if the "Preeminent" told them to do it or if it was out of their own free will. At least he wouldn't be stumbling around this world with confusion.

The rest of the introductions were quickly made after that. He learned that Wrayth could create deadly acids out of any chemical he got his hands on and that Bansha's songs could sway even the most stubborn of people. He also learned that the archer would never miss his targets and that the skeleton, despite his seemingly delicate bone structure (no pun intended) could lift things well over three times his weight.

He introduced himself too. He called himself the one who was wronged by destiny, and the one who controlled the wind. He needed to ensure that failure doesn't follow him in this world, and having a good reputation helped with that.

"What do I do now?" he asked the woman, who was still standing nearby, shrouded in mist.

"You wanted to be the Green Ninja, did you not?" she asked rhetorically as she gestured to the four supposed generals beside him. "Then lead them. Train with them and become their leader and my second in command."

He nodded and even bowed to the woman out of respect. When he rose, there was a new light in his eyes, as if he'd just found his purpose in life. Or in this case, his purpose in death.

He would make the Preeminent proud. He would lead these four ghosts to victory the way the Green Ninja would lead the elemental masters to victory.

He would prove destiny wrong.


Whooo here's Morro's backstory (kinda), but it mainly shows what happened to him after he died in the Caves of Despair.

This can be thought of as a continuation from the prologue of my Ninjago: Possession rewirte (titled I'm Forever Damned) but can work as a standalone one shot

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