Alive Again! -Chapter 1

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This story was inspired by a Tumblr post I read and I just had to write it, ASAP. It is a one-shot that will be posted in two parts because I don't have enough time today to write it all. (I mayyyyy ad more if you guys really like it, but we will see.) ;)

Young Justice Danny Phantom crossover. After Young Justice season 1, no Phantom Planet. Danny is 15 and has been a part of the team for two months and has also not told them about him being a halfa. The rest of the team doesn't know much about ghosts and is still trying to figure out Phantom. <3

(Also not my cover art.)


All Danny could hear was ringing, the blue blast shot at him had thrown him nearly 40 feet away, he propped himself up with his elbow, and his other hand grabbed onto his head that was throbbing in pain. He had been blown straight through the wall of the warehouse they were fighting in moments ago, leaving behind a human-sized whole.

He quickly heard more shots being fired and yelling from his teammates. His eyes quickly widened and he tried to stand up, only for his leg to collapse down taking the rest of his body with it. "Lovely." He grumbled. They had been sent on a mission to check out some secret weapon building factory, and they were lead to this warehouse that they stored their goods in. Un-luckily there were a bunch of guards there, all outfitted with brand new experimental, and powerful weapons.

His entire chest started flaring up in pain originating from where the blast hit him, just at his core. The beam went directly through his shield catching the ghost off guard. His body was an aching mess, much more than it normally was anyway. He felt completely drained of energy. It almost felt like a shot from the 'Plasmius Maximus'.

Suddenly a familiar yellow blur sped out of the warehouse and stopped directly in front of the halfa. Danny looked up, one hand now clenching onto his chest. In Front of him stood Kid Flash, and he was just standing there. Staring at him... Speechless? "What?" Danny asked, tilting his head. "Did you guys win the fight?" Wally just stood there, his mouth slack. "Say something."

Just then the rest of the team came running up to them. "Phantom, are you okay? Kid came to check on you bu-." Megan abruptly stopped talking, and floated to the ground with her hand over her mouth. The rest of the team skidded to a halt in front of the ghost, all eyes trained on him.

Danny tried to stand up again, almost falling over, but eventually stood up putting all of his weight on one leg. "What is it?" He asked again, he was getting worried now. What could have gotten them so worked up? He was sure they had seen him with worse injuries than a simple blast to the chest.

Artemis shifted from one foot to the other, her hand gripping her bow tightly. "Phantom, there isn't really an easy way to say this-."

Wally threw his hands to the side. "You're ALIVE!"

"That isn't really how I would have put it." Robin started.

"I'm-I'm, what?" Danny froze before quickly looking down at his hands, indeed to his horror he saw skin, human skin! Oh, Crud. He quickly looked down to see his red and white t-shirt and jeans. The shirt had RED bloodstains on the front from the blast, it was soaking into the fabric. He transformed! Oh no, this is so bad! They can't know, not yet. What will they do?

Megan was the first to do something, she leaped towards him and gave him a huge hug that squeezed the remaining air out of his lungs. "You're alive again! I'm so happy for you!"

Connor looked over at him with surprise. "I can hear your heartbeat."

Robin stepped forward and scanned Danny with a blue laser. He then pulled up the scan onto his hologram wrist bracelet to look at the readings. "Your vitals are low. But you do... have vitals." He spun around and looked back at the warehouse.

"That laser must have brought you back to life when it hit you!" Wally exclaimed.

"Is that even possible?" Artemis asked. Wally sped over to Danny and grabbed his arm.

"Ow." Danny glared at Wally while grabbing his hurt wrist.

"You're warm, not ice cold! And fleshy." Wally exclaimed.

Danny raised an eyebrow.

"You look so different, like all of your colors were reversed," Megan added.

Danny looked up at the tips of the black hair he could see on his head. "Did you think I had glowing bright hair when I was alive?" Everyone else shrugged.

"Has a ghost ever come back to life before?" Artemis asked. "Like ever?"

Danny paused, "Not that I have ever heard of." He could play this whole thing off as he came back to life. He could do that right. But how would he go back to Phantom? Maybe he could say the blast wore off? Ugh, why was his afterlife so complicated.

Right now he was just glad that Tucker removed any photos of Danny Fenton from all servers outside of Amity Park. That way no one would be able to recognize him or look for him. He glanced over at Robin who was undoubtedly already searching the web for his face to identify him. Finding nothing.

Kal walked forward and put his hand on Danny's shoulder. "We will figure this out when we get back to base." He looked directly at Danny. "Are you sure you'll be okay Phantom?"

Danny nodded.

Wally put his arm around Danny's shoulder. "Don't worry, we will keep you from dying again."

Danny raised an eyebrow. "...Thanks?" This was going to be a long day.



Part 2 will be posted soon if people like this story. Please comment and tell me what you think. And if you want to see more. :D

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