Adventure's End: The Finale

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Mephiles' Stronghold, The Throne Room.

Music: The Battle on the Ice

The Elevator Doors Open, and our Heroes step out...

Mephiles: Finally... I've waited long enough.

Yakko: Of Course you have... Mephiles. Or should we say "Mastermind".

Mephiles: Well, Well, Well. If it isn't the "Chosen Three" of Prophecy. We finally meet... Prodigy to prodigies. But you must realize, that only one of us can stand. The heroes... You. And the villain, me. (Laughs) But at the end of the day... I will stand, and the world will be mine!

Wakko: You're right about one of being victorious. But it is us and our power that will beat you today, and we will save the world!

Mephiles: We shall see about that... Chosen three.

(He throws off his Cloak)

Dot: Here we go.

(Mephiles unsheathed his sword)

Wakko: Oh. It is. ON! (Drew Sword from his Gag Bag)

Mephiles: Bring it!

(They duel)

Wakko: Hello. My Name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

(They continue to fight)

Wakko: Hello. My Name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my Father. Prepare to die.

(They continue dueling with their swords)

Wakko: Hello! My Name is Inigo Montoya! You killed my Father! Prepare to die!

Mephiles: Stop saying that!

(They duel, until Wakko Disarms him of the Sword)

Mephiles: Good, Good. Use your Aggressive Feelings, Boy! Let the hate flow through you! (Laughs)

Wakko: Not even you. It would be too easy right now.

Mephiles: Perhaps you're right. This is too easy. For me! (Attacks again with his sword and laughs maniacally as Wakko desperately tried to Parry)

Yakko: Heads up!

Mephiles: What?

(He got Dropkicked by Yakko)

(Mephiles inadvertently crashed against a machine, sounding a Siren)

Announcement: Warning! Lava Containment Unit One Offline! Magma Level Rising! Activity is Inevitable!

Dot: It's over Mephiles! Your plans have been foiled!

Mephiles: Not yet! Not when I still have the source of Ultimate Power! (Laughs as he summons Ibilis and they both Become Solaris)

Solaris: Your fate is sealed! For I am Now... SOLARIS!

Yakko: Not so fast, Mephiles!

Sonic: You've underestimated us for the last time!

Twilight: And I think it's time you learn the True meaning of "Heroism"! Girls?

The Twilight, Thomas and Friends Finale: Adventure's EndWhere stories live. Discover now