Adventure's End Part 3

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Outside The Mastermind's Base. 28 Hours until the Deadline.

Twilight: I did leave something out when translating the prophecy.

Sonic: Oh, What's that?

Twilight: "To Destroy the Source of Ultimate Power, Combine the Chosen Three's powers... With the Elements of Harmony, the Chaos Emeralds, and something known as 'The Matrix of Heroism', which is able to summon any hero from around the Multiverse."

Sonic: Luckily, we still have both.

Yakko: We need to hurry this up. The clock is ticking until the Mastermind's Deadline.

Sonic: I know that! Hang on, We're going in!

(They enter)

Guard: State your business.

Percy: The Mastermind Requests our Presence at Once.

Guard: Roger. May I see your Identification?

Twilight: Don't Worry. I got this. (Mind Tricks the Guard) You Don't need to see his Identification.

Guard: (mind gets tricked) I don't need to see his identification...

Twilight: He can go about his business.

Guard: You can go about your business.

Twilight: We can move along.

Guard: You can move along. Go on, Move along!

(They do so)

Yakko: I never understand how all those Mind Tricks End up working on those Guys...

Pinkie: It's only because They are very weak-minded unlike the higher-ranking Villains.

Wakko: I see what you mean.

Sonic: This way, Come on.

(They go through the halls)

Tails: Here goes nothing...

Sonic: Yeah. (Knocks on the Door)

Mastermind: You may enter.

(The Doors open for them)

Sonic: (in his Best Russian Accent) My Lord... We have arrived to bring you news.

Mastermind: What is it You need to tell me?

Yakko: (In his Best German Accent) We regret to inform you that the Heroes have chanted the Prophecy and the "Chosen Three" have been Spotted.

Mastermind: This is getting more serious by the Minute! When I rule the world, Sonic will be the first to fall!

Sombra: Hang on... Something isn't right about 3 of those guards... they're a little short.

Sonic: But do not Fear. The heroes haven't found the legendary Matrix of Heroism yet. But they are moving to do so.

Mastermind: I see. Then we'll have to destroy it first won't we?

Dot: My Lord, Don't you want a fair fight?

Mastermind: Let me put one thing Straight, Little Missy... (Villains sneak up on our Costumed heroes) I never play fair!

(The heroes were soon exposed)

Thomas: Whoa!

Sonic: Get out of here, Fast!

(They are stopped By Eggman, Eggman Nega, and Sombra)

Eggman: Sonic the Hedgehog! Snooping as Usual, I see!

The Twilight, Thomas and Friends Finale: Adventure's EndWhere stories live. Discover now