29: "The Past Repeats"

Start from the beginning

Mirio:"Well, we've gotta make our rounds across the entire neighborhood before lunch! Let's go, you two!"

Mirio then started walking, as Izuku got up. As Minato was about to do the same, he is stopped by the little girl, clutching his clothes. She then whispers, with a terrified look, tears falling from her face.

Eri:"(Terrified) D-don't go..."

Seeing her expression, Minato tries to calm down, as to not alarm the man, and speaks.

Minato:"Your daughter seems scared. You have said that she hurts herself from playing too hard, however, these bandages don't look like something she'd get from that."

Chisaki:"(Annoyed) She falls a lot."

Minato:"(Serious) For a child her age to be trembling in fear like this. It's not a normal thing."

Chisaki:"(Annoyed) Don't presume to know what's normal for other people."

Mirio:"(Feigning ignorance) Indeed, there are all types."

Unable to keep faking any longer, Izuku starts preparing for the possibility of having to fight, while Minato looks at the man with a serious look.

Minato:"(Serious) What are you doing to this girl?"

Chisaki:"(Sighs) I guess it makes sense that heroes are picky with these kinds of things. Very well. However, could we talk privately?"

Chisaki then turns and enters the alley. The trio walks into the alley as well, with Minato carrying the girl named Eri. The man starts speaking once more, his back turned to them.

Chisaki:"I've been concerned about Eri lately. No matter what I say, she fights back."

Izuku:"(Nervous) Raising a child can be tough... I guess..."

Minato looks at Eri one more time, recognising the look on her face.

Chisaki:"Yes. Children can be quite difficult. I constantly find myself wondering about the best way to raise her."

Chisaki then seemingly adjusts his glove, a murderous aura emanating from him. As Eri feels it, she gains a shocked look, before immediately jumping from Minato's arms and running to Chisaki's side.

Chisaki:"Oh? ...Done throwing your tantrum?"

Izuku finds himself confused, as Mirio simply focused on trying to get them out of there as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Minato, having noticed the shock on Eri's face before, simply gained a murderous look in his eyes, letting his hair cover them to keep it hidden. Chisaki then turns back to face them.

Chisaki:"It's always like this. I apologize for making you listen to our problems."

As the two leave, Minato prepares to follow, only to be met with Mirio, grabbing his arm with an iron grip.

Mirio:"(Whispering) We can't follow him. If we push him too far, he'll be much harder to catch."

As the two disappeared from sight, Minato looks back at Mirio with a terrifying glare. Seeing it, the boy felt fear, the likes of which he had rarely felt ever since coming to UA. The kind of fear he had felt only a few times before, like when he lost control of his quirk and thought he was gonna die. After leaving the alley, Mirio calls Bubble Girl and informs them of their encounter. As it starts to rain, the two teams meet up. Mirio apologizes, explaining that it was an accident, while Sir Nighteye did the same, saying that if he had used his quirk, it could have been prevented. Sir Nighteye then explains about why they had started investigating the Shie Hassaikai.

Mirio:"Excuse me, Sir! There's actually new intel we have to report! Chisaki has a daughter."

Sir Nighteye, becomes intrigued by this, looking back at the trio.

Izuku:"(Serious) Her name is Eri. She had bandages all over her arms and legs. She seemed to be quite scared. I'm not sure what was going on, but... I think we should have tried to save her."


Izuku:"I know we couldn't, but... I just wish there was something we could have done..."

Sir Nighteye turns to Izuku.

Sir Nighteye:"(Angry) Enough of that arrogant thinking! Haste makes waste. If we just go after him, there's a high chance of him slipping through our fingers. We must predict the enemy's plan, make our plan carefully and check if everything is in order. You won't always be able to act like a hero just because you feel like it."

Sir Nighteye's speech is then interrupted.

Minato:"(Serious) Maybe so, but that doesn't mean we are allowed to take our sweet time! Every second we take is a second she can be killed in."

Sir Nighteye:"(Sighs) You are still too unexperienced to realize this, but we can't save everyone. We must think ahead. Make sure we stop him once and for all, so others won't suffer in the future."

Hearing this, Minato gains a furious look on his face.

Minato:"(Muttering) I guess I was wrong. I thought you were different, like All Might, but in the end, you're just like so many others."

Sir Nighteye looks at him with a confused look.

Minato:"I don't know if there are any blood ties, but I can assure you... that Chisaki isn't her father."

Sir Nighteye:"How so?"

Minato:"Because no father would do what he's doing to her. That look on her face... she's going through hell. I know it pretty well, because that's the same face I had... back then."

Hearing this, Sir Nighteye becomes shocked, as Minato continues.

Minato:"Not that it matters much to you, now does it? You're just like the heroes back then. What's one life compared to all the others? So long as you do your job, you really don't care. You don't deserve to be associated to All Might."

Minato turns and walks away, as the hero, still shocked by his words, speaks up.

Sir Nighteye:"(Shocked) Amamiya!"

Minato:"Don't worry. I won't get in the way of your plan. However, you better pray that girl is okay when we find them, or else..."

Minato turns back to face the hero, sending him a murderous look, his eyes black and red.

Minato:"You'll be held accountable. I'll make damn sure of it."

Sir Nighteye found himself frozen in place after looking him in the eyes. His only thought being that that wasn't the look of a hero or even a villain. Minato then turned around and kept walking, as Sir Nighteye regained his composure and sent Izuku and Mirio back to the agency, finishing their first day of work study with a sour note.

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