16: "Two Heroes"

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After finally reaching the end of the stairs, as Minato noticed he was a bit sluggish, the duo opens the doors to see the helipad. As they enter the rooftop of the building, the strong wind ruffles their clothing. Ignoring the wind, the boys look to see Wolfram dropping the restrained David in a helicopter. Noticing the villain hadn't noticed them, the boys try to approach the helicopter, only for David to spot them, immediately gaining a surprised look on his face. As Wolfram notices the Professor's expression, he turns to see the duo a few meters away. Gesturing with his hand, the villain raises a wall of steel from the ground. Without the villain noticing, Minato immediately pushes Izuku out of the way, as the steel wall hits him, slamming him towards the entrance.

Wolfram:"(Smirking) So, you kids wanna play with me, huh?"

Minato gets back, hurting from the hit, as he noticed his healing was even slower than before. Even so, he prepared to lunge at the villain when...

Wolfram:"(Pointing a gun at David) Take one more step and I put a bullet on his head."

Minato stopped moving, as Wolfram showed him a vicious grin.

Wolfram:"(Grinning) It sure is tough being a hero. I didn't even do much, yet you're unable to move. It's not a smart way to live, you know?"

As the villain waved his free hand, two steel pillars hit Minato from opposite sides. The teen started exerting himself, from using every ounce of his now diminished strength to keep the pillars from crushing him. As exertion took its toll, Minato looked at Wolfram, as the villain quickly climbed into the helicopter, that started lifting into the air. Wolfram smirked at the teen, when suddenly, he smirks at the villain.

Minato:"(Shouting) Izuku, now!"

As Minato shouted, Izuku smashes into the cockpit with his gauntleted fist, breaking the glass and hitting the pilot, knocking him out. Wolfram looks in surprise, as the boy grabs the restrained Professor and jumps down to the rooftop. Watching the scene unfold, Minato takes advantage of Wolfram's current lack of focus and gives all he's got and pushes the pillars, sending them far away from him. As Izuku approached him, carrying David, the three watch as the helicopter comes crashing down into the helipad. As it crashes, exploding, it's remains start burning, as the three assume the men in the helicopter haven't survived. A bloodied and exhausted Minato then starts speaking.

Minato:"Are you two okay?"

Izuku:"Yeah, were fine. (Concerned) What about you?"

David:"(Amazed) You two..."

The boys then took the metal restrains from David and sat him down, as Izuku slipped off his suit jacket, ripping one of the sleeves and tying it around the man's wounded shoulder.

Izuku:"I'm sorry. I don't really have anything for first aid on me, so this'll have to do."

David:"It's fine. Thank you."


The three look towards the stairs to see Melissa running to them, with a huge smile and tears falling down her face. As she approached them, the girl jumps into her father's arms. As they hugged, Minato and Izuku walk towards the stairs, deciding to give them some space. As they start walking, the two see their friends coming entering the rooftop. As everyone sees them, they run towards the two boys, celebrating their victory, even if worrying about their white-haired friend's condition, when suddenly...

"Damn bastards... you really think you won!?"

The two boys turn around to see Wolfram, standing on a mountain of scrap metal. He then formed two giant metal arms and a tail made of steel ropes. The man himself was now buried to his waist in the metallic monstrosity, with the top half of his mask completely destroyed. Everyone looked at the villain in absolute terror, as Minato focused on getting everyone out. He lunges to Melissa and David, grabbing them and carrying them to the stairs' entrance.

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