17: "A Moment of Respite"

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As the boy slowly regained his consciousness, he was blinded by the bright light facing him. As he slowly adjusted, the boy looked around, seeing that he was lying on an unfamiliar bed. Suddenly, his memories return to him in an instant, as he immediately sits up, with his heart beating wildly, clutching his chest, as he processes the memories going through his head. He then looked, seeing his friends around him, as he took deep breaths, trying to calm himself, as Izuku suddenly spoke to him.

Izuku:"(Worried) Are you alright, Minato-kun?"

Minato:"(Sighs) I-i think so... my body feels heavy, though..."

Katsuki:"(Teasing) What? Did you get fat, after sleeping for a week!?"

Iida:"(Scolding) That is inappropriate, Bakugo-kun! Amamiya-kun was severely wounded and is still in recovery!"

The two boys then start arguing, as Minato looks, amused, before answering Katsuki.

Minato:"(Chuckles) Fat or not, I can still kick your ass... so, no need to be worried."

Katsuki:"(Smirking) Not in your dreams."

Everyone looks at the two in confusion, as Izuku speaks.

Izuku:"(Smiling) This is just how they get along."

Minato then looks to the whole group with a more serious look.

Minato:"How long was I out cold?"

Everyone seems to be looking for a way to answer, until Momo suddenly does so.

Momo:"(Worried) Four days. According to the doctors, it should have been far more. They said that, with that many injuries and each being so severe, you should be dead. Fortunately you didn't hit the ground, or else..."

Minato:"(Confused) Huh? Hit the ground? What happened?"

Momo:"(Shocked) You don't remember!?"

Minato:"No, not really. Last thing I remember is taking that blow to the gut from the Nomu and blacking out. (Concerned) Did he attack you guys?"

Iida:"(Serious) No. They said they were there only to retrieve the Professor's device and they took it with them."

Katsuki:"(Pissed) Who the hell cares about that! What I want to know is why the hell did he talk like he knew something about you!? What did he mean by "trauma"!? He mentioned your hair, your quirk and your scars, like he knew all about them!"

Minato:"(Thinking out loud) That bastard did seem to know about my past, somehow. I can't even begin to guess how he found out about me."

Katsuki:"(Pissed) That doesn't answer my questions! You never even talked about your past!"

Minato:"(Feigning boredness) Believe me, it's not a nice story. Don't worry about it."

Everyone starts complaining about his unwillingness to reveal his past, until...

"I, too, am wondering about what that villain said back then, Young Amamiya."

Everyone looks towards the door, seeing All Might come into the room, with a serious look on his face.

Minato:"Hey, Sensei. Feeling better?"

All Might:"(Showing his usual smile) Yes, I am! Thank you for your concern. I have recovered a couple days ago. This old body of mine can't recover so quickly as when I was young! (Serious) But... that is beside the point, right now. Regarding our current subject, could you answer Young Bakugo's question?"

Everyone else in the room, apart from Minato, was surprised by their teacher's seriousness, since it wasn't a side of himself he showed, unless necessary. The boy then answers the hero.

A Monster turned Hero (MHA X OC) -On Hiatus-Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora